Our choices...maybe!


Well-Known Member
Feb 3, 2008
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Hey folks

Ok, our choices are as follows;

Lilly-May (Lilly being my fave flower and also Lillanne and May are my Nan's names)

Arnie! My OH is a huge Arnie fan and suggested it, and I quite took to it! We don't like Arnold though, so would be christened Arnie.

The boys one is the one people have commented on so far mainly saying, think about how it would feel when it's older. Middle names would be James Micheal so I thought he could always adopt one of those if he didn't like his first name?!

Lucie x
I like both names but am not a fan of hyphenated first names. Mainly as its the given first name it will have to be written on all paperwork etc and as LO grows up, will have to be used on all application forms etc, as it would be the full first name. And LO might prefer to just be Lilly (or May) perhaps and not want to keep having to use and write Lilly-May.

I'd be more inclined to go with Lilly May and if you want to use them both as first names you can, but they won't need to be written all the time. LO as she gets older can choose which to use also then.

Just some thoughts :)
Oooh thats a good point, thanks :) Will have to think about that, as we're already thinking we'll get lazy and just use Lilly! x
Just a couple of points (which you may already have considered, if so feel free to ignore)...

* The flower is spelt Lily (with one l in the middle) - are you putting two l's in because of your gran's name?
* Why have you chosen Micheal rather than the more traditional Michael? Is that a family thing?

I'm just being nosey :hug:
wow i really like arnie i have to say!!

its similar to alfie which is very popular so i dont think youd have any probs, its a good choice i think, different without being daft. go for it!
debecca said:
Just a couple of points (which you may already have considered, if so feel free to ignore)...

* The flower is spelt Lily (with one l in the middle) - are you putting two l's in because of your gran's name?
* Why have you chosen Micheal rather than the more traditional Michael? Is that a family thing?

I'm just being nosey :hug:

Hey hun

Yeah that is why, and I always get the E and A the wrong way round, despite it being my Dads name! Opps! :oops: If it is a boy will have to make sure we get it right on the birth certificate! Ha!

We did bring up Alfie, but we passed on it. I do know one other Arnie and he likes his name so hopefully so wil the little bean x
Hey hun,

LOVE the names! I know that it has been mentioned a lot on here about hyphenated names... I haven't said anything before but I know you asked an opinion on the names themselves rather than it being hyphenated...

I just wanted to say that if you think about it, 3 extras letters isn't going to take an additional 10 minutes to fill out a form lol :oops: (not meaning to be rude!!)

Also, my full name is Danielle, but no-one calls me that, they call me Dannii like I decided when I was younger.

What is written on the birth certificate can be altered how you wish to an extent.

I just wanted to give a varied opinion on it - both opinions are interesting I think, I like hearing different views. I just thought it might be nice to hear a positive angle on hyphenated names.

Love them though, gorgeous names! xxx
i really like both but biased are little one is
lillie-mae and love writting it it takes all of a 3 seconds
goog choices . x
Should also have said that I love Arnie, it's a really cute name and very unusual :cheer:

Thank you for taking the time to answer my questions; I always get well nosey about where people get their inspiration for names!! :oops:
debecca said:
Should also have said that I love Arnie, it's a really cute name and very unusual :cheer: quote]

My colleague's little boy is called Archie and I love that name, so yes, me too Arnie is so special! xx
HideiLu said:
Hey folks

Ok, our choices are as follows;

Lilly-May (Lilly being my fave flower and also Lillanne and May are my Nan's names)

Arnie! My OH is a huge Arnie fan and suggested it, and I quite took to it! We don't like Arnold though, so would be christened Arnie.

The boys one is the one people have commented on so far mainly saying, think about how it would feel when it's older. Middle names would be James Micheal so I thought he could always adopt one of those if he didn't like his first name?!

Lucie x

im sorry but ARNIE!! poor chap :lol: lets hope its a girl :pray:
I absolutely love Lilly-May, it is so gorgeous.

Wasn't too sure about Arnie but the more I think about it the more it is growing on me, now I kind of like it :lol:
Hey, Lily is my choice of middle name so I love that one! And May is pretty too.
Arnie is my OH's dad's name, i actually quite like it, though he is Arnold - which i don't like.
Love the names :) theyre both amazing. Lilly-may is my favourite, i was after Bailey-Mae for a girl, May/Mae is very popular recently :D

As for hyphens im technically Chel-C - Natalya but only ever use Chel-C (pronounced Chelsea not shell lol), it's up to bubs what they want :) but i like it
Thanks for all the opinions guys :)

Have told our families the names and they quite like them both, but OH is still trying to come up with more for boys! Think we'll have another think once we know what it is! :) x

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