My LO when feeding has started to almost fight me whilst on the boob. She arches her back up and kicks and flails hers arms about all this while still attached to my boob and feeding
She gets all red in the face and if she does let go of the nipple she starts to scream at me until i put her back on.
I have checked she is comfortable and i am not squashing anything, her latch is fine and i definately have milk.
I thought it may be her getting frustrated at the flow of the milk but she does it throughout a whole feed so i dont think its that.
Anybody have any ideas as to what the prob may be, or had any similar experiences. Did try and explain it to the HV when she first started to do it on the odd occasion, she told me it is something to do with the rooting reflex but she now does it nearly every feed
so i aint sure.
Might pop along to a breastfeeding group next week if it continues as i dont like to see her that way and my nips are getting rather sore

She gets all red in the face and if she does let go of the nipple she starts to scream at me until i put her back on.
I have checked she is comfortable and i am not squashing anything, her latch is fine and i definately have milk.
I thought it may be her getting frustrated at the flow of the milk but she does it throughout a whole feed so i dont think its that.
Anybody have any ideas as to what the prob may be, or had any similar experiences. Did try and explain it to the HV when she first started to do it on the odd occasion, she told me it is something to do with the rooting reflex but she now does it nearly every feed

Might pop along to a breastfeeding group next week if it continues as i dont like to see her that way and my nips are getting rather sore