Ouch what's causing this pain?


Well-Known Member
Nov 8, 2007
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Morning Girls :wave:

I hope you can help me.

Since Fri night i have had a niggling nagging pain in my tummy. Its kind of at the front of my bump just off to the right of my belly button.

Thing is it only hurts when i go to get up off sofa, out of bed or turn over in bed, if i laugh or yawn :bored: (which at the min is a lot!!)

Is it something i should get in contact with my midwife about?
I was only there 2 weeks ago and my urine and bloods were all normal.

Anybody had this and can put my mind at rest?

Thank you :hug: xxxxxx
Alot of us get this around your many weeks PG we have all been advised as long as its not accompanied with bleeding or constant reoccurring pain its prob just bub settling in down there ready for engagement and not to worry- chuffing hurts though!!
I had this last week but mine was right at the top of my tummy & it's vanished this week!! Midwife said it's just baby growing & skin stretching. It felt a bit like stitch - everytime I breathed in deep or sneezed mainly! Hope yours goes soon for you. :hug:
I have had this too. It is really painful, and I was worried about it, but when I told my midwife and she examined me she said it was just stretching and LO resting in a certain position. Some days it doesn't hurt as much as others so I guess this is probably true. Unfortunately nothing really helps take the pain away and I have just kind of got used to it.
Hope yours goes off tho :hug: :hug: :hug:
Thank you so much for your replies.

Its scary when you start feeling aches and pains that are new but it helps to know that i'm not the only one and its all part of being pregnant.

I have spoken to my midwife and she has brought my appointment forward to this wed.

Had a right yukky day today, this horrible pain, slept nearly all day and was sick earlier on :(


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