Ouch Back hip and side pain


Well-Known Member
Dec 28, 2005
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Hi all

Well the pain has kicked in bad!!!!

When i have been laying on my side andn then get up, i feel like my hips are broken!!! I have a constant stitich down my left hand side, and my lower back and base of my spine still hurts!!!

I hate being pregnant!!!!!!!!!!! :(

Awww bless you have some :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: .
I can completely sympathise with you I've started walking like a penguin after I have a sleep or lay down.
I asked my midwife about exercises to help with this and she recomended sitting on a gym/birth ball. It does seem to ease the pressure. :hug: :hug: :hug:
The joys of pregnancy!

LO should be putting weight on now and its possible that your feeling it more then others do. Try asking your MW for some tips on how to ease it.
Aw you poor thing I know exactly how you feel I dread getting up in the night to go to the loo, it's a nightmare turning over in bed too. I've been diagnosed with SPD and got referred to a physio but she was trying to get me to stretch my leg span which is not a good thing to do as it puts more pressure on the hips and pelvis. I've since been going to a Mctimoney Chiropractor and she's been brilliant the pain is still there but nowhere near as bad as it was. Going back today for more . She's also been giving me tips on good labour positions because lying on my back with my legs in stirrups is a no no.
You are quite early on to be having these bad pains Keely. I think it would be worth mentioning to your MW or GP so you can get referred for physio.

I feel very similar to how you described every day when I get out of bed but I am 41 weeks now and kind of expect it. I'm sure you could get some exercises, a support band, or some tips on how to improve things for your last 10 weeks.

Thanks for your replies girls.

I called the midwife cos I am in so much pain.... she said ......

The stitch pain down one side is ligament stretch due to having this baby so close to Ellis and to take paraseatamol (god so sorry for the spelling haha) but i am not keen on taking anything incase it effects baby!

And she has given me the phsyo number for the back pain, which i have left a message and waiting for a reply.


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