C4 made a documentary a few years back called "Costa Crime". The way they filmed it and the people they chose to appear in the show as "reliable" sources of information, made it seem that there were muggers and rapists and murderers on every corner waiting to kill every Brit. In actuality this area has no more crime in it than a similar sized tourist town in the UK but thats not the way C4 portrayed it. Sadly it negatively impacted the area and the economy which was sad... and it appears that C4 have managed to do exactly the same thing again with breast feeding

well done C4.
The woman who said it was a sexual thing breastfeeding was obviously carefully selected in order to emphasis a misconception concerning breastfeeding. It only serves to make future mothers continue to allow the media to influence their beliefs concerning breast feeding being sexual because the Media tells them that breasts are sexual. And all it serves to do is put future kids at a disadvantage.
It also fails to highlight one of the real reasons women choose not to let their babies have wet nurses... and that is jealousy. I would be terribly jealous of any women who breast feeds my child... That's my baby and something I should do and its my special time with my baby that no one else can share.
Wet nursing isn't disgusting though in my eyes. It has always fulfilled its purpose, but many people are fanatical about breastfeeding and misinterpret what a wet nurses original job was for. Its not because breast is best and babies who have formula will die.. but wet nurses are there to breast feed a baby when a mother wasn't present or couldn't do it. In fact a lack of wet nursing is why formula was created... originally formula was seen as a method to give foundlings and orphans a better chance of survival and was never intended for mas commercialisation as its used today... wet nurses were supposed to be used... But over time, more and more people chose to bottle feed as at the time, it was "scientific" which was all the rage in the 1800's and wet nurses became a thing of the past for being old fashioned and unclean.
I've often thought... what would happen if I was to die in a car accident... how would lil miss survive? We'd have to put her onto formula... but in that case I would much prefer if she had a wet nurse to cuddle and comfort her because mummy was never coming home.

Rather than resort to formula which to me always seems cold and clinical. But then I would be out of the picture so the whole jealousy thing won't come into play.
Would I breast feed another persons baby..? Yes I would in an emergency... but in general no... again its a big bonding practice and I don't love other peoples kids, and I don't want to bond with them.
But remember that C4 aren't one of the best TV channels for displaying un biased information to the general public

Doesn't anyone remember when they were the "Porn" channel... before the days of channel 5

God I'm so old...
Anyway I'm off to bed no one reads my waffle anyways...

... tra la la tra la la...