Other peoples breast milk on now..

My radical opinion is; I couldn't give a shit! Each to their own. I can't imagine breastfeeding a schoolchild or some elses but if other people want to, it's their own damn business.

On a totally bitchy note; how rough did that Stella look? :shock: Dunno about breastmilk, I reckon her kids must have been sucking her LIFEFORCE away................. she looked about 80! :lol:
Is that the ones with the twins?

I said to my mate dhe must be in her 70's! :lol:
I watched this last night with DH and im in 2 minds about it, in some ways I see it as ok, others lie swopping, thats wrong,

Like when she went to visit that couple in america deep south, the child asked if she had any milk, er thats wrong, swopping could mean your child goes up to any women asking if thy have milk, thats so wrong,

and the child sayin it makes her feel like a baby er?????????? :shock:

As for the sexual connection...........................weres SS or the Police?

Big up to the gay couple in america though, I thought they were brill and those babies sooo adorable!!!

OOOOOO that cancer thing? ermmm!??? I know breast milk gives babies the immune system or strengthens it but still, My DH said Id laughed if they turned round and said oops sorry we have been givin you sheeps milk for the past few months!!
Minxy said:
On a totally bitchy note; how rough did that Stella look? :shock: Dunno about breastmilk, I reckon her kids must have been sucking her LIFEFORCE away................. she looked about 80! :lol:


I turned this off after she came on. I found her a little weird :o especially when she kept going on about them 'going Tandem'

Each to their own but I found this prog weird.
This programme totally freaked me out! Don't want to offend but it actually made me feel sick, especially the ones with the twins feeding 'tandem'. YUCK!! It just looked awful and the little girls reasoning for wanting to do it, (to be like a baby) was just creepy and wrong. Sorry thats quite a strong view I know... apologies if it offends.

I understood the lady in Africa helping the children, that is excellent and commendable on her part.

The 'sexual connection' lady had a screw loose and should be report to SS without delay.

onyhoo... just a plain strange programme, but presented well by Kate Garraway... was interesting to see her squirming at some of the things she came across, an honest presenter is good to see.

That is all xxx
Although on the whole i found it very interesting and watched it with an open mind i not convinced on the whole cross feeding thing for the sake of it and i wouldnt have a problem with letting DD have somebody elses milk by then bottle if she was in scbu or needed it for health reasons. I would not let her latch onto a stranger just for the sake of it.

The bit about the two sisters though really made me think if my sister asked me to help her out as she was unable to bf i really think i would although its hard to know what you would do until your actually in the situation especilay in the early days when bf is like liquid gold i would love to help. I would also let my sister feed DD if the situation was reversed.
Letting babies have other peoples BM through a bottle is fine IMO, taking it directly off another ladies nips, noooooo.

I mean, we don't lie around suckling off a cow :talkhand:
trixipaws said:
and iv no qualms about tasting it i tasted my own and i put it in my tea

What was it like in tea?

I thought it was really interesting. I totally agree with the reasoning for doing it, why are we ok with giving our kids milk from another species but not our own? It is a bit strange to have your child taking milk from someone else but I don't see any harm in it for the most part (well appart from the one who thought it was sexy :shock: ).

Not too sure I'd do it myself. If it was absolutley necessary that I fed someone elses baby or they fed mine then yep, ok with that but not the way most of them were just doing it for the sake of it, I think that's a bit wierd. I would definitly consider donating expressed milk though, I think that's an amazing idea.
Personally i dont care, if people are that determined that their child only have breast milk and are happy to swap then thats fine, i also was pleased to see that the children still prefered mummy.

However when that women saidthe word sexual that was the point where i just thought OMG no-one is going to take this programme seriously now. It seems to me that all these programmes which are meant to be educational show the people as wierdo hippies. It concerns me that like the one about giving birth without drugs we'll be seen as perverted for breast feeding.

I did find it funny that Dave turned to me as she said it was sexual and asked if i thought it was at all as i was feeding Tally at the time, i honestly cannot see how it'd be sexual for someone, yes it feels nice, but thats in a loving and bonding way with my baby not a sexual one.

I see breast feeding as my way of giving my baby what nature intended, and i have been blessed as i have been allowed to do that, i coudlnt let soemone else feed her, its a special thing between us for bonding, theres nothing better then waking up with my baby asleep beside me after a feed all snuggled up. I dont wanna share that. I also like the fact that so far i've made her all by myself.

Feeding kids at 5 is a little over the top, they no longer need the milk as all their nutrition will come from food at that age and from an entirely prudish way it just seems wrong.

I must admit though there have been times when if a baby is crying my boobs will leak and i have briefly thought that i wouldnt think twice about feeding it if it didnt have it's mother. But again i think thats a little different to swaping for the sack of it.
abcd1234 said:
Personally i dont care, if people are that determined that their child only have breast milk and are happy to swap then thats fine, i also was pleased to see that the children still prefered mummy.

However when that women saidthe word sexual that was the point where i just thought OMG no-one is going to take this programme seriously now. It seems to me that all these programmes which are meant to be educational show the people as wierdo hippies. It concerns me that like the one about giving birth without drugs we'll be seen as perverted for breast feeding.

I did find it funny that Dave turned to me as she said it was sexual and asked if i thought it was at all as i was feeding Tally at the time, i honestly cannot see how it'd be sexual for someone, yes it feels nice, but thats in a loving and bonding way with my baby not a sexual one.

I see breast feeding as my way of giving my baby what nature intended, and i have been blessed as i have been allowed to do that, i coudlnt let soemone else feed her, its a special thing between us for bonding, theres nothing better then waking up with my baby asleep beside me after a feed all snuggled up. I dont wanna share that. I also like the fact that so far i've made her all by myself.

Feeding kids at 5 is a little over the top, they no longer need the milk as all their nutrition will come from food at that age and from an entirely prudish way it just seems wrong.

I must admit though there have been times when if a baby is crying my boobs will leak and i have briefly thought that i wouldnt think twice about feeding it if it didnt have it's mother. But again i think thats a little different to swaping for the sack of it.

I agree with this

I just didnt understand the sexual woman atal? :talkhand:
Rachel21 said:
Why on earth would you let a baby suck your nipples to quieten them!?! Has she never heard of a dummy. If a friend or family member told me they had done that to Evie let alone found it sexual Id be straight on the phone to the police.

What's wrong with comforting your child? I let my daughter feed when she is upset and crying because it calms her down. I'd rather do that than give her a dummy

I thought the program was generally,very good. Veered a little towards to sensational with the "I get aroused at bf" woman. I can't see the problem with cross feeding: obviously it's not something you'd let just anyone do, but with close friends and sisters, why not, all partys involved seemed very happy and contented in their descisions.
zebrastripes said:
Rachel21 said:
Why on earth would you let a baby suck your nipples to quieten them!?! Has she never heard of a dummy. If a friend or family member told me they had done that to Evie let alone found it sexual Id be straight on the phone to the police.

What's wrong with comforting your child? I let my daughter feed when she is upset and crying because it calms her down. I'd rather do that than give her a dummy


It was the women who classed it as sexual that said it calms them down! she did it when babysitting!

I bet she never babysat those children again once the parents knew!
I thought it was an interesting show - if I was unable to BF and the option was available then I would prefer to give Oliver someone else's breastmilk (although in a bottle) than formula.

I wouldn't cross feed for the sake of it, because feeding him is something that's very special to me, but say if someone was babysitting him and he was unconsolabley screaming upset then I wouldn't have a problem with them offering him a breastfeed providing we'd discussed it beforehand - I would rather that than they leave him to be really upset when something so simple could comfort him. When I think about it it's more my pride that gets in the way, as in it's something special and builds the bond between us, that only I can do for him, and I would get jealous to see him getting that from someone else, rather than an actual concrete reason. As long as I knew the woman feeding him had been screened for infections, which I assume is done routinely during pregnancy anyway so she would know if she had something.

Feeding someone else's baby I would have no problem with it if the mum wanted me to.
zebrastripes said:
Rachel21 said:
Why on earth would you let a baby suck your nipples to quieten them!?! Has she never heard of a dummy. If a friend or family member told me they had done that to Evie let alone found it sexual Id be straight on the phone to the police.

What's wrong with comforting your child? I let my daughter feed when she is upset and crying because it calms her down. I'd rather do that than give her a dummy

I was talking about the woman who had never had children and was letting someone elses baby suck on her nipples to calm them not to feed them. She also said she found it sexual. I have nothing against breastfeeding your baby, I was heart broken when I had to stop breastfeeding Evie.
C4 made a documentary a few years back called "Costa Crime". The way they filmed it and the people they chose to appear in the show as "reliable" sources of information, made it seem that there were muggers and rapists and murderers on every corner waiting to kill every Brit. In actuality this area has no more crime in it than a similar sized tourist town in the UK but thats not the way C4 portrayed it. Sadly it negatively impacted the area and the economy which was sad... and it appears that C4 have managed to do exactly the same thing again with breast feeding :clap: :clap: :clap: well done C4. :roll:

The woman who said it was a sexual thing breastfeeding was obviously carefully selected in order to emphasis a misconception concerning breastfeeding. It only serves to make future mothers continue to allow the media to influence their beliefs concerning breast feeding being sexual because the Media tells them that breasts are sexual. And all it serves to do is put future kids at a disadvantage. :(

It also fails to highlight one of the real reasons women choose not to let their babies have wet nurses... and that is jealousy. I would be terribly jealous of any women who breast feeds my child... That's my baby and something I should do and its my special time with my baby that no one else can share.

Wet nursing isn't disgusting though in my eyes. It has always fulfilled its purpose, but many people are fanatical about breastfeeding and misinterpret what a wet nurses original job was for. Its not because breast is best and babies who have formula will die.. but wet nurses are there to breast feed a baby when a mother wasn't present or couldn't do it. In fact a lack of wet nursing is why formula was created... originally formula was seen as a method to give foundlings and orphans a better chance of survival and was never intended for mas commercialisation as its used today... wet nurses were supposed to be used... But over time, more and more people chose to bottle feed as at the time, it was "scientific" which was all the rage in the 1800's and wet nurses became a thing of the past for being old fashioned and unclean.

I've often thought... what would happen if I was to die in a car accident... how would lil miss survive? We'd have to put her onto formula... but in that case I would much prefer if she had a wet nurse to cuddle and comfort her because mummy was never coming home. :( Rather than resort to formula which to me always seems cold and clinical. But then I would be out of the picture so the whole jealousy thing won't come into play.

Would I breast feed another persons baby..? Yes I would in an emergency... but in general no... again its a big bonding practice and I don't love other peoples kids, and I don't want to bond with them.

But remember that C4 aren't one of the best TV channels for displaying un biased information to the general public :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: Doesn't anyone remember when they were the "Porn" channel... before the days of channel 5 :rotfl: :rotfl: God I'm so old... :rotfl: :rotfl:

Anyway I'm off to bed no one reads my waffle anyways... :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: ... tra la la tra la la...
the sexual connection thing made me so angry. How could anyone feel sexually connected to a child while brestfeeding?? That is just wrong.

As for sharing breastmilk, I would only let my child other people's breastmilk if his life depended on it. Otherwise I'm too jealous to let anyone else bf my baby! :shakehead:
Squiglet said:
C4 made a documentary a few years back called "Costa Crime". The way they filmed it and the people they chose to appear in the show as "reliable" sources of information, made it seem that there were muggers and rapists and murderers on every corner waiting to kill every Brit. In actuality this area has no more crime in it than a similar sized tourist town in the UK but thats not the way C4 portrayed it. Sadly it negatively impacted the area and the economy which was sad... and it appears that C4 have managed to do exactly the same thing again with breast feeding :clap: :clap: :clap: well done C4. :roll:

The woman who said it was a sexual thing breastfeeding was obviously carefully selected in order to emphasis a misconception concerning breastfeeding. It only serves to make future mothers continue to allow the media to influence their beliefs concerning breast feeding being sexual because the Media tells them that breasts are sexual. And all it serves to do is put future kids at a disadvantage. :(

It also fails to highlight one of the real reasons women choose not to let their babies have wet nurses... and that is jealousy. I would be terribly jealous of any women who breast feeds my child... That's my baby and something I should do and its my special time with my baby that no one else can share.

Wet nursing isn't disgusting though in my eyes. It has always fulfilled its purpose, but many people are fanatical about breastfeeding and misinterpret what a wet nurses original job was for. Its not because breast is best and babies who have formula will die.. but wet nurses are there to breast feed a baby when a mother wasn't present or couldn't do it. In fact a lack of wet nursing is why formula was created... originally formula was seen as a method to give foundlings and orphans a better chance of survival and was never intended for mas commercialisation as its used today... wet nurses were supposed to be used... But over time, more and more people chose to bottle feed as at the time, it was "scientific" which was all the rage in the 1800's and wet nurses became a thing of the past for being old fashioned and unclean.

I've often thought... what would happen if I was to die in a car accident... how would lil miss survive? We'd have to put her onto formula... but in that case I would much prefer if she had a wet nurse to cuddle and comfort her because mummy was never coming home. :( Rather than resort to formula which to me always seems cold and clinical. But then I would be out of the picture so the whole jealousy thing won't come into play.

Would I breast feed another persons baby..? Yes I would in an emergency... but in general no... again its a big bonding practice and I don't love other peoples kids, and I don't want to bond with them.

But remember that C4 aren't one of the best TV channels for displaying un biased information to the general public :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: Doesn't anyone remember when they were the "Porn" channel... before the days of channel 5 :rotfl: :rotfl: God I'm so old... :rotfl: :rotfl:

Anyway I'm off to bed no one reads my waffle anyways... :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: ... tra la la tra la la...

i always read your waffle squig - you're like the forum oracle :lol: :lol: :hug: :hug:

i can't help but feel that the freaky babysitter might have been mistranslated in c4's attempt to get a bit of sensationalism going. if she'd meant that she found bf-ing sensual (rather than sexual) then i think i could see where she was coming from, although i still find it odd that she might feed someone's child without asking their permission - but then again, i don't know what nationality she was and maybe things are different where she's from :think:

i was most intruiged by the chap whose cancer markers dropped when he was drinking boob milk smoothies, and went back up when he wasn't drinking them. but there wasn't nearly enough info given about what other treatment he was on etc to be able to take much from it. which makes me wonder whether there were other contributing factors which would make the 'boob milk saved my life' argument less plausible.

still, at least the documentary just about managed to paint every day breast feeding as normal, whilst showing their contributors as a bit different...
i watched this program. my OH was very disturbed but i found it fasinating. i'm a firm believer in breast milk espcially to start with to get the best nutrients. the only way i'd let someone else breast feed my kids is if for some reason i couldnt (and it would have to be a good reason....im talking medically) but i could never breast feed someone elses child.

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