
Well-Known Member
Oct 5, 2008
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has anyone had any problems coming off ssri antidepressants? I have stopped mine slowly due to ttc, but am having horrendous 'brain zaps', dizziness and generally feeling poo. its quite frightening.

just wondered if anyone has been thru anything similar and can offer some advice?

thank you

Unfortunately the brain zaps are pretty common - I have had them in the past when coming off SSRIs. Not very pleasant at all, but they do ease and stop. How are you cutting down? Best to do it gradually - I went to a tablet every other day for 2 weeks, then half a tablet every other day before stopping taking them altogether. Which ones are you on? :hug: :hug: :hug:
thanks for replying :hug: am having a rough time with these.

was on cipralex which is escitaprolam - 10 mg. cut it down over 4 weeks and took my last tablet on sat - since yest morning the brain zaps have been horrendous. feeing as though they'll never go. :(

how long did yours last? have also have had insomnia, sweats, shaking and headaches!!!!

I used to be on seroxat (horrendous head zaps coming off those) then changed to effexor (head zaps but not as bad). When I was ttc my son, I had been on citalopram. Yes, got the zaps with those, but didn't last too long. You're doing really well to have got this far with the withdrawal, be strong and keep going, it will all be worth it in the end :hug: :hug: :hug:
I have been on citalopram 10mg for about 10 years (With one break inbetween). I cut down by just taking 1 every other day for about a month and then changed to one every 3rd day for a couple of weeks. I was then sick (unrelated) and couldn't hold anything down for 3 days so just didn't start up again. I haven't noticed much difference except I feel a bit more emotional but also less numb so it is good as well as bad. I also get to sleep instantly (Honestly 1 minute) when I am on them and now that I am off it takes a lot longer... maybe 30 mins. My doc said that once I am only taking one every 3rd day there is not much point in taking them.

What are the mind zaps? I am making sure that I have a 20-30 min lay down in the middle of the day to relax and I walk every day so I think this helps. You need to find something to help you relax.
I'll just add that I have also been having acupuncture to help with my cycles and she also knows that I am coming of anti d's and is addressing this as well. Maybe this has helped the withdrawel? Hang in there, it will be worth it in the end. If the symptoms persist go back to your doc or just get her/him to give you a call.
thanks guys, am desperately trying to hang on, and not take a tablet. Feel that i've come this far and want to try and ride this out. I'm off work so it helps. The funny thing is, I've not felt any more panicky (i suffer from panic disorder) - it literally all seems to be physical symptoms. Have spent most of the day crying (unusual for me, am usually always happy) because I'm struggling with these brain zap things.

JPS said:
What are the mind zaps?

They feel like some has stuck live wires in my brain, only last a few seconds but when I move my eyes they get worse. I also get a sort of whooshing sound in my ears. So horrible :(

Just want to feel physically well so i can get on with ttc - after all, that's what I'm dong it for!!

OMG sound terrible. Is this normal? Sorry, don't need to alarm you, but maybe you should go see your doc to check. I guess it's all to do with the brain. I have been on them for depression. My depressive 'phases' seem to be triggered by negative events like death, break-ups etc. After the initial depression I stay low for a lot longer.
:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Yep, very common side effect of withdrawing from SSRIs. :(
I was on antidepressants (think they were called Fluoxitine?) and having read about you guys I think I got off lightly coming off them as I had no problems at all!

It will all be worth it in the end - stick with it and soon you'll be a healthy mum to be!

Much love xxx
hi guys,

well after a long sleep I can happily say that I feel much better today - still getting the brain zaps but to a much lesser extent.

Yesterday was a day from hell, i phoned my doc and she did say that the zaps were a farily common withdrawal symtom occuring in around 30-50% of people. its a shame they don'y bloody tell you that when you first go on them. :roll:

still not ov-ing, and its cd12 now, early days i know but want it now! want it now!!! :D

thanks for the responses yesterday ladies, really helped me not lose the plot :hug: :hug: :hug:

Glad you're feeling better hun! Like I said, it does stop after a while. :hug:

Coming off seroxat was hell on earth and my doctor actually told me there were no known side effects yet there were support groups all over the internet for people who were addicted to them! They don't warn you about anything when you go on the tabs. :evil:
this is a useful thread, as I'm planning on coming off mine, so at least i know what to expect.
Sammystar said:
this is a useful thread, as I'm planning on coming off mine, so at least i know what to expect.

Which ones are you on hun? I came off citalopram when ttc baby 2. Not been on anything since *touches wood*
I'm on Zoloft (Sertralin) 75mg. To be honest I can't say I've noticed any difference on them, except that I've started to gain weight and that's making me more depressed :-(

I've read Zoloft is really well known for weight gain (as all SSRI's are) and I would really like to come off them.

I'm not sure if I'm doing the right thing though :?
I was on setraline before I was put on the citalopram (had forgotten about them). Didn't seem to do me much good to be honest. I was on tablets for labyrinthitis at the time and combined, they made me just want to sleep all the time which was not good seeing as I had to be up early for work. Fell asleep at my desk once! :shock: I went straight from the sertraline to the citalopram with no withdrawal problems though, so fingers crossed you won't have problems coming off them :hug:
M&Ms said:
I was on setraline before I was put on the citalopram (had forgotten about them). Didn't seem to do me much good to be honest. I was on tablets for labyrinthitis at the time and combined, they made me just want to sleep all the time which was not good seeing as I had to be up early for work. Fell asleep at my desk once! :shock: I went straight from the sertraline to the citalopram with no withdrawal problems though, so fingers crossed you won't have problems coming off them :hug:

That's good, here's hoping.

Did you find they affected your weight at all?

I haven't gained loads, but I have noticed a change. I'm also getting bad headaches but I think that's just stress related anyway, not a side effect of the anti-d. I've been on them for about four months now.

Can't say I'm looking forward to the brain zaps, but at least I'll know what they are!
hi sue,

with a bit of luck you wont' get them - less than half of people do. they are pretty horrendous but doing it will be worth it (i keep telling myself). the zaps i am having today (they are here as i type this) are much more manageable than yesterday - i think this was the 'peak' for me.

bloody drugs eh?

kate :hug:
xxKateBxx said:
hi sue,

with a bit of luck you wont' get them - less than half of people do. they are pretty horrendous but doing it will be worth it (i keep telling myself). the zaps i am having today (they are here as i type this) are much more manageable than yesterday - i think this was the 'peak' for me.

bloody drugs eh?

kate :hug:

Did you find they helped you when you were on them Kate? I mean, I don't really seem to have noticed a difference tbh. Maybe I should have waited a while longer, but like I said the weight gain is making me more depressed!

Hope you feel better. Let us know how you get on.

HI Sue

Quite honestly, I don't think i could have coped without them. I luckily do not suffer with depression but do get severe panic attacks. When the doc put me on escitaprolam I hadn't left the house in 2 weeks for fear of an attack, I was in a real mess.

If it's been 4 months and you are not feeling any better I would say go back to your doc, you should have noticed a marked improvement by now, I felt hideous and sick for the first week but then started to feel much better. That was almost exactly 5 years ago. I can't wait to get these drugs out of my system now. They were a real lifesaver when I first took them and I would never advise anyone to steer clear of anti-depressants but I am realising how strong they must be for the withdrawal to be this bad. I would really think again before going back on them.

Hope this helps,

Zappy-brain Katexx

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