
Well-Known Member
Jan 23, 2007
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I didn't use anything like this for my last two pregnancies but after reading so much about them I would like to try them. I was just wondering how you use them. Do you use them just once a month? Or for a few days around the time you think you'll be ovulating? Also, I've seen some on Ebay that are 99p for 10 + £2.26 p&p. Are these any good?

Thanks ladies.
you need to use them everyday from a few days just before you expect to ovulate until you get a positive, you should ideally test in the afternoon after not having peed for a few hours (although some on here seem to get better results testing in the morning). once you have a positive you should ovulate within the next day or so.

10 for 99p + p&p seems like a good price. I get mine from ebay and they've been fine.

need any more help just ask!
Thanks hun.

Do you think I should wait for a couple of months b4 trying them to give my body a chance to get into a regular pill free cycle or buy some now? I came off the pill in January and have had the normal forced AF you get when on the pill on the 26th Jan. I'm due for my normal pill free AF on the twentysomething of Feb LOL.
skairdykat said:
I didn't use anything like this for my last two pregnancies but after reading so much about them I would like to try them. I was just wondering how you use them. Do you use them just once a month? Or for a few days around the time you think you'll be ovulating? Also, I've seen some on Ebay that are 99p for 10 + £2.26 p&p. Are these any good?

Thanks ladies.

hi i have just joined the forum. i've been charting my BBT but found it too complicated and me too forgetful. i also tried the pee on stick OPKs but that started to get expensive and fiddley, so now i'm trying an ovatel which is a little microscope which you place saliva in every day and detects if you're ovulating or just about to ovulate which shows up as a different pattern in your saliva. you an use it every day forever so its cheaper. good luck with the pee on stick kits, you have to make sure that you use them first thing in the morning, they were'nt for me but lots of people swear by them
I might invest in one of them, Every little helps :)

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