OPKs and BBT

Good luck. Try having a play with it and see whether you can figure it out. Is it not making any noise at all? :)
I dont get OPKs and wont be getting any or a thermometers either, if it happens it happens. Im saying that now but may well be on all the equipment soon lol
I don't use them every cycle, temping seriously for the first time in a couple of months. I find it reassuring to double check that I'm ovulating.

I'm probably a little bit obsessive about recording everything though :lol:
lol nothing wrong with that hun, I just dont 'get' them thats why Im not gettng any. Ive only just picked up the hang of abbreviations on here so something physical that I actually have to do would scramble my brain lol
:lol: When I started I couldn't imagine why anyone would want to pee on a stick every day, but now I've ov'd it feels really weird not sneaking to the loo with my stick & little pot lol.
actually I have just this second purchased some sticks to pee on so maybe it IS catching and I take it all back LOL
I said that when I first joined in September but my cycles vary from 40-65-70 days so I decided to use ovulation sticks this time around to see if anything's happening. x x
Did my BBT this morning 6.10am it was 98.60. CD8.

No idea if that's normal or not. x x
Everyone's different Hun so you can't really compare your temp to others, but ff.com does have a feature in the gallery to overlay your chart with someone else's so you can look for similar patterns in where the rises & falls are.

Once you've been temping for a couple of cycles you'll find it a bit easier to recognise the ups & downs.

My chart hasn't shown a definite day of Ov (but it's ok because I did my opk) but I've had a definite temperature increase since then so think that's definitely a good sign of Ov. I'm normally about 36.3 so the fact I'm up above 36.7C is a big change in my body. :)
Ok thanks hun will have a look, I managed to put my info in on the chart, chuffed with myself for that haha! :)

I'll have another look, thanks again! :thumbup: x x
Sounds like you're getting the hang of it, just takes a bit of time getting you head around it all.

Hopefully you'll get the hang of it soon & then you can forget it all because you'll have a bfp ;)
Lol thanks, that is the hope! :thumbup:

:pray: we hear of lots of Christmas BFPs! :) x

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