OPK question - sorry if this has been repeated elsewhere


Well-Known Member
May 9, 2006
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Hi all

I'm gonna start using OPKs this month but after coming off the pill, I've had a 24 day cycle and now a 30 day cycle so when should I test??

And should I test everyday?

I'm sure this question has been elsewhere on the forum so sorry about that ppl. Any advice would be appreciated

Alice xxx :?:
Understanding your cycle

In order to identify your most fertile time with an ovulation test, first you need to understand something about your own body and your menstrual cycle. Ovulation generally occurs 12 to 16 days before the next period starts and your 2 most fertile days are the day of the LH surge and the day after. Around this time is when you should be testing. There is no need to test every day of your cycle.

Before you can be sure when to start testing, you need to work out your usual cycle length. To help you record your cycle information we have a calendar which you can print out – to download the calendar click on the link.

The length of your cycle is the number of days from the first day of your menstrual period to the day before your next period starts.

So to work out your cycle length:

Count the day your period starts as Day 1 (this means the first day of full menstrual flow)

Continue counting. The last day of your cycle is the day before your next period starts. The number of days is your cycle length.

The length of the cycle can vary from one woman to another; and can vary from cycle to cycle in the same woman. Most women have a cycle that lasts between 23 and 35 days.

When can I do the Test?

When you start testing depends on your usual cycle length. Below is a simple chart that will tell you when in your cycle you should start testing.


Personally I start from day 10 :D

I'm on a 28 day cycle!
Thanks Wobbles - hope things are going well for you

Alice x
You welcome & thank you. Doing ok I guess! Have to an all that :)

x x

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