OPK advice from the experts needed


Well-Known Member
Aug 12, 2018
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:wave: OK, so last month was first go a ttc. AF has arrived (I think) and is early by a couple of days so onwards for the next month. I have some OPKs and only a vague understanding of how to use them. Getting a sample at the same time each day is going to be impossible as we will be away.

- what CD do i start testing?
- am i right that the line needs to be as dark as the control for a +ve?
- when you do see a +ve, what does this mean in terms of time to ovulation?

chatted through this all with my husband yesterday and he's been so supportive. I said I had no idea that the whole tww even existed as I'd never given it thought until this month and I've literally driven myself mad guessing at every symptom. So, this month, I need data for ovulation to help my brain - we plan to do plenty of baby bonking anyway but the scientist in me can't help but need data!

advice from you lovely ladies?
1. Depends on your cycle length. If you have an average 28 day cycle, start on CD10. You may want to leave it until later if you have longer cycles. Earlier if you have shorter/irregular cycles.

2. Yes, usually. Though some people don't ever get the line as dark as control so it can be tricky...

3. A positive OPk means you've had a LH surge, meaning you will ovulate 12-48 hrs from then. :)
When to start testing - depends how long your cycle is. Mine is 26 days and I usually start testing cd7. That's probably a good day to start first time - then you can adjust if necessary. Also test between 10am and 5pm for opks, unless it's ClaerBlue - they require first morning wee.

Yes it's supposed to be as dark as control line, though for some women their surge is a little lighter. You won't know til you've done it for a month. Aim for 'as dark'. Also look for EWCM and achey feelings in ovaries.

Once it's positive, you will probably ovulate within 12-36hrs. It can be up to 48 hrs and for women over 35 it can be sooner. Once you get over 40 you may ovulate before you get a solid positive. I am 42 so I take my positive as when the line starts to get darker.

You really want to be dtd before the pos as well as you want as much in their as possible! It's better the days leading up to ovulation than the day of. You get EWCM for up to 6 days before ovulation - less for some. Once you get it it's a good idea to dtd every other day if you can. Once you get the positive, I'd dtd every day (but not more!). Make sure you both have enough water as hydration is crucial. To help EWCM, oranges and vit C is good.

Once your CM goes thick and white, you've ovulated. I'd keep dtd til that happens.

Good luck!
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thank you! such useful information.

I'm not entirely sure my cycle. I thought I was 27 or 28 days but if AF has started today then that's 26. So I guess I take it from today as CD1, then I'll start testing from CD7 to get an idea. We'll just get on it I guess (husband will not complain!)

so really the +ve is just showing when the surge is happening and ovulation is after that. Let's see if we can catch the little bugger this time! I've never been sure if I can feel ovulation pains or not, there is a history of non identical twins on my mums side - could you imagine! OMG. that literally would be the best BOGOF ever, hahahaha

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