Opinions pls


Well-Known Member
Apr 19, 2010
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I'm a mobile hairdresser,started on my own in march,fell pg not long after so haven't built business up to full potential cos knew maternity leave was gonna cause some problems. Anyway,I know all about my benefits etc but not sure how to wind my business down,I wanna start maternity asap so in approx 7 weeks,I've already cut back on colours I do cos I find it hard to stand for too long and not every1 has the facilities for me to sit down or rinse hair properly. I obv have my loyal clients and don't wanna lose them but also can't expect them to go 9 months without gettin their hair done :/ has any1 got any advice as to what I should do? I'm gonna stop takin on new clients from now cos I'm booked up for next 2 weeks and gonna struggle to squeeze any1 else in xxx
Do you have any hairdresser friends that you could fall back on?

You take appointments for your usual clients, although you pretty much tell them when they will have their appointment rather them them telling you so you have control, and then instead of going yourself you send around one of your friends.

If you send around a couple of different friends hopefully they won't get too familiar with them to reduce the chance of them changing hairdresser.

Explain to them it is just while you are on maternity leave and they should understand.

Your friends would be glad of the extra work and if your cheeky you might be able to still take some money for a "finders fee".

I guess they don't have to be friends, but you need to trust them so they don't spoil your reputation.

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