opinions please!


Well-Known Member
Dec 15, 2009
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:) Hi everyone. Jus want to see whateveryone else thinks lol. im due sat 16th - mon 18th :shakehead:. not sure what day because my cycle was only 26 days last month. lol. havent really had any symtoms yet except on the 11th when i had a wee and wiped theres was a bit of pinkish blood and discharge, soz tmi!!:x lol. not sure if its spotting tho as i only had it jus the once then on the 12th (yesterday) i had like stretchy clear discharge, soz tmi agen!!:x lol and then last nite had sum wierd mild cramps all over my stomach (didnt feel like AF ones tho). i havent had sore boobs or anythin else tho. so im not sure whats goin on lol, im not gettin my self excited this month as it didnt happen last month. what does everyone else think?? thanks.
I am due the same time as you! I've got cramps abd headache also threw up yesterday going to wait to test until the 18th . Fingers crossed you could always test? X
oooo ur symptoms sound promising!! i think im gonna wait to see if AF arrives or not before i test, lol i dnt want to see a BFN!! Good luck!! How long have you been ttc? iv only been trying proply for 2 months. xx
I am the same as you, I don't want to test (if I dont get excited) until AF is due, which is the 24th Jan....I have been trying for 4 years now and nothing...I am hoping this is the month as I don't want to get to a christmas due date lol

Good luck hunni xx
awww i hope u get a BFP!! and Good luck!! are you trying for your first baby? x x x
Yes I am trying for our first baby, i'm 24 years old and been trying since I was 20 years old. Me and my fiance have been together for 6 years this year and we have always wanted children very much. It is hard when other people around you fall pregnant so easy, but hey I am still trying lol

Good luck with yourself, is it your first you are trying for?

Donna xx
aww bless ya!! i bet its so frustrating trying for that long, but keep trying, u never kno this could be your year!! im 21 and my partner is 23 weve only been trying proply for 2months or so and yes this wud be our first too lol. keep tryin, it will happen for u hun!! Good luck to u and ur partner!! x x
Oh that sounds like implantation :) Good luck for testing :dust:
Symptoms definitely sound promising! Fingers crossed for you! :dust:
oooh Minx09, same symptoms as me, nice to know someone else has stomach ache/cramps following spotting too! I found spotting yesterday and day before and then have stomach ache today, ooohhh wishing all us ladies some luck here, can't wait till next tuesday, although as saturday comes round, I know I will be tempted to get a early test, but should wait! -JJ

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