I am in the initial stages of a business plan and thought who best to ask than mums!
I've noticed a gap in my area for things to do with kids so I've seen a property that would be ideal to convert into a soft play. As a mum what would you like to see in such a place?
I want to install a kitchen/cafe area to hire out for someone to run.
2 party rooms that could double as rooms to be hired for through the week for things such as baby massage, yoga, sensory etc and in the evening fitness classes for mums to attend while the kids play.
A nail bar/beautician station again that I could lease out and so mums can be pampered while their kids have fun.
I was also thinking of specific sessions for kids on the autistic spectrum - I know parents can have extra anxiety about their children's behaviour so this would create an environment they can meet others in a similar situation and relax knowing they won't be judged. It could also be beneficial for the kids to meet others experiencing similar.
Is there anything I am missing or that you could suggest?
I've noticed a gap in my area for things to do with kids so I've seen a property that would be ideal to convert into a soft play. As a mum what would you like to see in such a place?
I want to install a kitchen/cafe area to hire out for someone to run.
2 party rooms that could double as rooms to be hired for through the week for things such as baby massage, yoga, sensory etc and in the evening fitness classes for mums to attend while the kids play.
A nail bar/beautician station again that I could lease out and so mums can be pampered while their kids have fun.
I was also thinking of specific sessions for kids on the autistic spectrum - I know parents can have extra anxiety about their children's behaviour so this would create an environment they can meet others in a similar situation and relax knowing they won't be judged. It could also be beneficial for the kids to meet others experiencing similar.
Is there anything I am missing or that you could suggest?