oOOOOH Tri 3, I'm so excited to be here, officially, hello x


Well-Known Member
Nov 6, 2006
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Hello Mummies,

I'm 27wks 2days today and our LO is due on 6th June :cheer:
He's a very active baby, he's especially active in early morning, evening, and throught Mummy's sleep time :lol:
This is my first pregnancy and I am thoroughly enjoying the whole experience, I'm finding it's all going a bit fast, and thinking about seeing him soon is just an overwhelming feeling of emotion which I'm almost scared to feel sometimes because it's so intense, it's so lovely and exciting :hug:
We are planning to use Hypnobirthing methods for the birth, and so hoping for a drug free, home birth too.

I hope you are all well, and look forward to reading all your posts about how you are here in Trimester 3 :hug:
Best Wishes :hug:

Good luck for your home birth hun.
I'm planning to have one too if all goes well *fingers crossed*
Got the midwife visiting the house at 12.30 :D
Oh and WELCOME TO THE LAST STRETCH *excuse the pun* :wink:
Thankyou everyone :hug:
And best wishes with the MW TipsyDipsy, hope you get the birth you want for you and LO :hug:
Hi Redshoes :wave:

Oh how I love red shoes - saw a cracking pair of red mules yesterday, think I might have to get them as I keep thinking about them. They are ovbiously meant to be mine.
Anyway, back to the point, hellooooo :wave: :wave:

Pea x
Thankyou again everyone :hug:
I am very excited to be here :cheer:
LOL Peanut, as a little girl I loved Wizard of Oz, and cried and cried for some red 'Dorothy' shoes :lol:
The name redshoes, thanks to my cousin, kind of followed me into adulthood and forum username registration :lol:
Hi Redshoes! :wave:

I'm also planning a home birth! This is my first pregnancy but am feeling very positive about the whole thing. Feel very relaxed now I've made my mind up that's what I want to do. Will have to keep each other posted on plans. I don't know where to start!!

xxxxx :hug:
Redshoes said:
LOL Peanut, as a little girl I loved Wizard of Oz, and cried and cried for some red 'Dorothy' shoes :lol:
The name redshoes, thanks to my cousin, kind of followed me into adulthood and forum username registration :lol:

I knew it!!!!

Thankyou everyone :hug:

It's both exciting and new isn't it Natalie :cheer: Lots of options when considering a home birth, but always at the heart of it is knowing you'll be in familiar surroundings, I think that's a comfort :) though we're planning on moving before the birth so that should be interesting heehee

And yes we can share our plans, it will be very supportive I think, and I would suggest trying the website, as it has e-mail options for parents who've already had homebirths near you, might be helpful, worth a look :)

And lol Peanut :wink:

Best Wishes everyone, hope you're all well today :hug:

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