Hello trimester 3!!!

Mine is very cheeky though, every time i pull up T-shirt she stops, if I want to record when she's kicking - she stops, most of the times she slows down even when i put my hand on tummy:)))) But 1 evening I got her, I did manage to record a bit how my tummy was moving:))))) Yay!!!
Yeah mine likes to be under the cover in the morning and when I pull cover off to record it stops lol! I've managed to get some good videos tho so I don't mind :) x
Well done Jayceesmumma, our little one are trying being cheeky but they don't know that they've got clever mummys:)))))
Welcome to Tri 3! I still haven't cottoned on to what is going to happen to me yet. Maybe I will when I finish work at the end of the week and have more time to think about it properly!
Hey Binzy, I think we're all living kind of in a dream....xi xi xi

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