

Well-Known Member
Apr 2, 2010
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Literally just realised I belong over here in tri 3 now, scary!!!!! Wow, can't believe how the time is gone!
The scariest thing is the fact I have 3 paychecks left to get in a good financial place so that I can actually afford to have a baby :p They can't be that expensive though, right???

Hoping to see some familiar faces in here, might lurk for a bit though :)
Hi! *waves* x don't lurk-we don't bite very often! It's not too scary over here, promise x
Hehe it's like joining 'big school' :p
You're telling me rhino horn, I still keep forgetting I'm pregnant in the first place! Sorry if this is wrong, but were you the one talking about hypnobirthing in tri 2? If so, how's that going?
Hehe it's like joining 'big school' :p
You're telling me rhino horn, I still keep forgetting I'm pregnant in the first place! Sorry if this is wrong, but were you the one talking about hypnobirthing in tri 2? If so, how's that going?

I'm doing natal hypnotherapy if that helps x
That sounds like a similar sort of thing Helen, what does your midwife make of it? I have just dipped my toe in really, but I guess it's the sort of thing you need to commit to 100%?
My midwife is actually the only practitioner of natal hypnotherapy in the north east so I'm super lucky to have her full support with me on this x their website is if you want some more info.

I haven't done any of the courses, I just bought the birth preparation cd and relaxing music. You listen to the birth prep cd 3 times a week from 32 weeks and then every day from 37 weeks and you play the relaxing music during the birth. It's really interesting and it's such a positive experience, reinforcing how birth is a natural thing to go through etc x sorry waffled a tad there!
See, now while I love the reinforcement that birth is a natural process etc, I've just listened to some sample clips of the CD and they are a bit 'too much' for me, I wouldn't be able to take it seriously tbh :)
I thought that's what I'd be like but once I'm fully relaxed and in hypnosis it doesn't bother me x I find her voice sooooooo relaxing too!
hi becky, *waves*

i think tri 1 & 2 went really fast, but now i feel like its draggin loads, 11 weeks left :)

Hehe it's like joining 'big school' :p
You're telling me rhino horn, I still keep forgetting I'm pregnant in the first place! Sorry if this is wrong, but were you the one talking about hypnobirthing in tri 2? If so, how's that going?

Nope, sorry hun, no hypnobirthing for me.
Yayy...good to see you over hun....congrats...and welcome to the gang xx
Hi Becky!! 2nd Tri really flew didnt it?! It's not that scary over here yet dont worry!!
hi becky cant believe that we are in tri 3!!!!! so exciting yet nerve racking how you keeping xx

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