Only halfway through....really???!


Well-Known Member
Feb 10, 2010
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Hiya girls,

I just cannot believe how long it feels until I get to meet my little girl. After having the 20 week scan yesterday, I went on a mad shopping binge (it was great!) and her arrival felt so close. But when I got home and sat down and thought about it. It suddenly hit me that I am only halfway through the pregnancy and I have still got the same amount of time that has passed until I meet her. Does anyone else see the next 20 weeks stretching ahead for ever?!

i see it as getting organised :) ive got 18 weeks only thing is i have another 4 kids to keep me occupied write a list of everything you want or need to do before baby is born like does the garden need securing or does anywhere in your home need decorated or sorting do you want a mini break before bubs arrives
im simlar to midnight, my first pregnancy went sooooooooo slow

but this time its going so fast for me?? i think its coz ive got my son and work keeoing my busy plus im not settled yet i still need to move an then sort all the stuff for baby etc

athought i know im avin a baby its not soming im day dreaming about all the time like first time i sort of just get on with it (not that your not) but then i look bk and think shit im 17 weeks weres that gone

only seems 3 weeks ago since i was 6 weeks preg x hahaah hope it speeds up for you

im sure mine will slow right down when im more settle in new house ect x x xx x
it is going fast eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
It is going really fast, so much decorating to do. Stuff to buy and the whole garden needs done! I need one of those 60 minute

Its going way to fast for me! I want the next 20 weeks to slow down a bit so I can enjoy it properly rather than rushing about and then thinking "oh yeah i'm pregnant"! I forget even now with my bump beginning to get in the way lol xxx
It dragged so much for me to begin with but I think that was because I was dying to get to 12 weeks for safety then dying to get to 20 weeks for my scan. Trust me, after that, it speeds up!

I've barely got more than a few things for him so need to get prepared. 13 weeks left for me and that will fly by as I've got so much to do.

Hope things pick up for you xx
i need to find a house and decorate it but the council aint cooperating pmsl never mind it will be more fun to do with 5 children in tow hmmmmmm

january is gone almost already

i have my next scan on the 11th march and i will then only have 12 weeks left eeeek
i need to find a house and decorate it but the council aint cooperating pmsl never mind it will be more fun to do with 5 children in tow hmmmmmm

january is gone almost already

i have my next scan on the 11th march and i will then only have 12 weeks left eeeek

dont get me started on council they are a waste of space

so ur pretty much same as me its going fast fast fast
mine are telling me to become homeless before they help the idiots
mine are telling me to become homeless before they help the idiots

this is the same thing they told me, told me to go homless then get put in to a hostel with my child then keep applying for houses and i ''might'' get pushed up the list to be re homed, give me pure joke telling me it could be up to 6 month + to get some were

in nend ive gone private and just going to keep applying online eveery week in the hope over time ill get some were

iys not what you need when u are pregnant an spesh when u have other children to, hope u gt sorted
not even 20 weeks yet and it's dragging on... I read and re read the mothercare catalogue everyday,I 've stopped working as my job doesn't allow me to work when pregnant...july seems like a lifetime away and I'm not even showing yet ! rant over :wave:
Once you hit tri3 hunni it will fly by believe me - got just over 5 weeks left - and been told may have to have a ceasearen at 38 to 39 weeks so that backs maybe just 3 weeks eeeeeeeeeeeekkkkkkkkkk
Once you hit tri3 hunni it will fly by believe me - got just over 5 weeks left - and been told may have to have a ceasearen at 38 to 39 weeks so that backs maybe just 3 weeks eeeeeeeeeeeekkkkkkkkkk

aw least you see ur baba early

why do they say u might av section early hun (just being nosey )
mine are telling me to become homeless before they help the idiots

this is the same thing they told me, told me to go homless then get put in to a hostel with my child then keep applying for houses and i ''might'' get pushed up the list to be re homed, give me pure joke telling me it could be up to 6 month + to get some were

in nend ive gone private and just going to keep applying online eveery week in the hope over time ill get some were

iys not what you need when u are pregnant an spesh when u have other children to, hope u gt sorted

Sickening! Why should you have to subject your child to a friggin hostel when you don't have to?

The council here kept moving the goalposts. When I got pregnant (in my first unsuccessful pregnancy) they told me as soon as I had my maternity notes I could apply for a move as we were in a 2 bed. I took my notes in as soon as I got them and then they told me not to expect anything as the kids can share a room until they're 5 and even longer if they're same sex children!

I lived above a drug dealing woman beater who smoked so much weed it made our flat smell of it and we werent considered priority. We decided to rent through an estate agent and pay £200 more a month but now have 3 floors instead of 1, 3 big bedrooms and an en suite. Should have done this ages ago so even though its not as secure, private renting through someone reputable is the way forward xxx
No prob nadine - baby is breech - have check tuesday to c if still is and then again at 36 weeks and scan at 37 weeks - midwife advised against the ECV - and to be honest dont really like the idea heard bad reports xo
well im in a different situation we own our own 3 bed but struggling with the mortgage as we are currently on benefits so they say as i own my home i can either get it reposessed or sell it hmm both resulting in me becoming homeless before they will consider me doh i have 125 point anything over 100 is high priorty so because i have 4 children 1 of which is disabled the housing officer and the housing o.t are going to arrange a meeting with there manager and see if they can offer me a place without becoming homeless and teh stress on doing this on me and my son would be massive and it will take me months to get my ds back into some sort of routine moving once is going to be bad enough
plus i need a 4 bed not a 3 bed as my son cant share a room at all :(
My first 20 weeks went in so slow. The last few weeks have sped up though and ive deliberately hardly got anything organised yet, as i will be getting made redundant by end of feb so that will hopefully keep me busy and pre occupied until may. xx

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