they only help with interest at they follow the bank of england rate and mine is fixed at a higher rate so at the mo i still have to pay £160 a month to the interest £180 a month thats tied in with the house and soon we will have to start paying the capital which will be around £250 a month so that will be £590 a month out of income support its impossible as i dont even get that much so its our only option unfortunatly and trying to sell the house now will mean we are going to lose thousands on the house price
I know it doesnt make it any easier for you but so many people are having to take a loss on their property. So sorry you're going through this now, especially when pregnant. Is renting it out to a few people to house share an option? But then you would still need to find money to pay out for a new place wouldn't you?
Either way, hope something gets sorted for you soon x x x