Only getting low down kicks...


Well-Known Member
Oct 12, 2007
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Don't really know why this is bothering me but the more I hear about ladies getting kicks all over the place, the more I tend to wonder if it's all normal :shock: I have only had kicks and felt movements on my bladder, cervix and in the areas below my belly button. Mostly it seems to be concentrated just above my pubic bone so all very low down. I've never felt anything above my belly button :?

I haven't really got a bump yet and haven't put any weight on (but I did have a head start on the weight front :rotfl: ) and when I went to see the midwife last week she said she couldn't feel the top of my uterus to measure the fundal height at all because my abs were too strong. Don't know if this has anything to do with the low down kicks so hoping you girlis can tell me it's all normal :D
Hiya :wave:

I only started getting higher up kicks over the past week or so. I think my placenta is in the way up there as well therefore cushioning some of the kicks. It could be that your placenta is in the way too? But as I said, i did only start getting higher kicks this week, so they will come eventually xxxx
I would imagine if your abbs were strong this would make it difficult fr the placenta to rise up? One of the girls i worked with whos son is now over a year old was told that due to her very toned stomach she was more likely to have a baby in breach due to the muscles stopping as much movement. Maybe its because of your tonned tummy that you are only feeling movement lower. If your midwife was worried at your last appointment im sure she would have said.

If you are concerned i would call though to put your mind at rest.

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