Only 3dpo but I just know


Well-Known Member
Sep 27, 2017
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Hiya I am only 3dpo but I just know I am not pregnant:( I have the same symptoms as every month nothing different and it’s the gut feeling as well. I am so gutted as this is our 6months TTC and you know I feel it’s already getting to me. I feel like I can’t be bothered to put too much effort into timing etc next month. I am also fed up of trying and getting my hopes up. I know 6months isn’t too long but it feel like it while going through it. It’s all the ovulation feeling and feeling this is it this time. Anyway I am thinking maybe just not plan anything anymore and go with the flow but than it won’t ever happen with my fertility rate. Anyway I just needed a moan thanks for listening
Oh maximus it must be so much heart ache every month... Especially as the months drag on.
Iv no advice I'm afraid, but as women ttc we all go through this and we're in it together!
Iv been ntnp for 6 years since my daughter and have only recently realised that isn't working for us (you'd think I'd noticed 5 years ago right) but I wasn't as desperate then as I am now.
In our hearts we expect it to happen straight away, our heads tell us to be calm and wait for af... Never happens in my house!
Have you been to the gp just to ask for advice or so they have you on the radar? (sorry if you've recently explained this)
I'm a firm believer in everything happens for a reason... And one day you will get your baby... It's just the waiting that grinds us all down!
Good luck this cycle and I hope it suprised you with a bfp x x
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hiya thank you for your reply, I also believe in everything happens for a reason when I think like that it makes me feel a little better. I saw a gynecologist, had mild endo removed but she checked everything and said there is no reason I can't have a baby. But we are nearly 40 years old so the chances of conceiving is very little for us now. I am debating whether I should buy the clearblue fertility monitor next month but that means getting my hopes up again. like you said though ntnp wouldn't work for us either, so maybe thats what I have to do , put more money and effort into it , and maybe buy more preseed. On top of all that I keep seeing pregnant women everywhere and keep thinking how did you get pregnant and I can't, One thing I have noticed though since I turned 39, I have period type pains as soon as I ovulate and I just don't think it's normal and I still think my body is not doing what it's supposed to. Maybe I should see my GP again
good luck with your TTC x
I haven't temped because I pee in the night and am up and down so I'm unsure I'd get an accurate reading but Iv read a lot of positive things about actually finding out if you've ovulated. As pols obviously only tell us our body is getting ready for ov.
A trip to the drs and maybe ask for bloods to determined if your ovulating may be a help. At least then you'd know.
All that said... (and it doesn't help much to hear it) but healthy couples with no issues can take up to two years to have a baby.
I see pregnant won everywhere. Lots of my friends are pregnant and it hurts. Some people I know have 4 kids under 5 and they are 21, under social services and has just done the unthinkable with a recent pregnancy. It breaks my heart.
I am very lucky to have the babies I do and I feel lucky every day!
Life can be so so cruel!
Lots of love x
yes same here, people having kids with one time only or even on birth control, I mean seriously what are the odds. This would never happen to me to be honest, I always have to work very hard for things , they don't just come to me. But I also have lots to be grateful for , I have a daughter, but since she was a year old, I wanted another soooo badly I can't explain. My husband was dead against it for years till 6 months ago but we left it too late, I sometimes feel resentment towards him for leaving it too late but I quickly change how I am thinking as it's not going to help. On top of all this he only agreed to try for a year in total. than thats it no more babies for me

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