Online Bingo..


Well-Known Member
Nov 9, 2007
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I am bored, anyone play online? Need a site recommended :D
I did gala but it was boring. I prefer going to a bingo house.
Me too but with a baby in bed and no worserhalf to be seen I can't :roll: Men!
I'd love to play bingo on line too!!!
i get very bored at the weekends when James is not here

Charmed that is a very cute aviatar :)

sarah :wave:
I know it was last night you were bored but every player old or new on Sun bingo are getting £5 free play!!
I got mine this mornin and actually won the full house £138 :cheer: I have never won before but what makes it even more better is i won using free money lol :D
Beth thats brilliant :cheer:

Well I just went to bed last night but think later on this afternoon I may treat myself to a game. Will have a look at Sun bingo :D
beth3735 said:
I know it was last night you were bored but every player old or new on Sun bingo are getting £5 free play!!
I got mine this mornin and actually won the full house £138 :cheer: I have never won before but what makes it even more better is i won using free money lol :D[/quote

was there a minimum deposit you had to have before getting the £5 free?

i play on gala and have won quite a few time, my biggest amount was 145 and i have won 5/6 times the £50 and once or twice with £25, i have won more online than at the bingo house anyway lol. on gala if you get in certain rooms there are chat adminsitrators that play quizzes and games and give the winners a £1 so it helps to pass the time.

I would say Gala, you only have to deposit a fiver at once and any money you win you can put back into your account where some clubs you have to have about £30 before you can put it back into your account.

I have won over £500 on gala and only ever play with £5 at a time, i play in the rooms where theres less people and moe of a chance.
I have played on Gala and the Sun - only went on Sun to get free dosh :oops: and it was crap.... Gala was ok, won on it a few times.

Another website I go on which is free, no winnings but loads of games and chat is
i dont wannt put any of your girls off this but my SIL has just had her bank account compramised from playing online bingo...i dont know which site but just keep and eye out on your statements and everything....its happened to my mum twice from just using cash points so i know its hell and dont want your ladies having the same problems!
just thought id let you know :hug:

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