one week..


Well-Known Member
May 15, 2007
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until its christmas eve :dance:

we're going on a steam train ride with santa then back home to chill out with the kiddies before putting them to bed and getting all the presents downstairs

what are all your plans for xmas eve?
Sounds like it will be a lovely night :) I can't believe it's so close to Christmas! :yay:

My plans are, go to OH's (his family has a bit of a get together on Christmas eve) home early, bath, new jimjams on.. Watch a cheesy Christmas film, open a few presents and ZZZZZZ!
At this rate, our plans will nowhere near be as lovely as yours sound! :lol: So probably Christmas shopping, cooking...having a few drinks in a nice pub somewhere with some friends if there are any left around for the holidays.

But I do want to have a glass of champers at midnight, as I do on NYE, then come back and annoy the dogs by waking them up with nonsense Christmas songs :D
That sounds fab! We will be last minuts shopping, the girlies with be bathed and chloe can watch a christmas film then bed while we prepare some food, get pressies out just chill x
I'm feeling so under prepared for xmas this year :( Have Nim's birthday on the 23rd and just spending it with family but feeling bad that I haven't organised more.
I will probably make some special dinner as I dont have to cook Christmas lunch this year then sit down and watch some tv if there's anything worth watching!n Hubby has a week off this year so I cant wait :)
I'm working till 8 :cry: Then church and pie at mum's
I'll be spending it trying to get pregnant with the help of mulled wine under the Christmas tree lol!
I will be getting up cooking dinner for hubby then he is going to work doing arts and crafts with the kids cooking dinner and puttin it in the friends then loading the kids in the push chair and going to watch the nativity at the church. hubby picking me up doing some last min shopping ie. beer and wine lol and then coming back and re heating dinner so im not in a rush to cook as hubby wont even get back till 5 thirty ish! might have to walk home from church in the cold - dont even own a coat :rotfl:
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haha putting it in the friends lol i ment to say fridge :rotfl:
I haven't got any plans yet! Haven't even got my tree up :oops:

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