One thing I'm anxious about


Well-Known Member
Nov 26, 2012
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Just wondering if anyone has the same sort of thing?

My OH has his own business so work hours depend on how busy they are ranging from 4am - 10pm at night, he also is a semi professional footballer so trains Tuesday & Thursday night he has training and games vary Friday - Sunday. The league he plays in can mean he can sometimes have a game 4 hours away, the same with his business as he does shipping and logistics.

He has been amazing and he works so hard for our little family so that we don't have to need for anything and I am really proud of his work ethic, I'm also mega scared he could happen to be far away when I go in to labor.

He has said to his football manager that he won't be going the game the week before my due date as its a South Wales game and he may not get back if I went in to labor, his football manager has also agreed to keeping my OH's mobile on him during training & local games so if me or Mum call he will get my OH off the pitch BUT my worry what if I go mega early? He can't not go to games or long distance jobs with work for weeks and weeks before .

Does anyone have a similar sort of set up at home? xxx
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Im worrying if hubby is out in the middle of nowhere climbing and I go into labour. I think he'll be sticking to Northumberland in my last weeks instead of up and down the country so he can get back in the slim chance I'd go into labour on a day he's out. His job is in the emergency gas service too so sometimes he can't just leave so that's a worry. Guess its the not knowing when so you can only prepare to a certain degree xx
My oh's job means he works all over the county and could be hours away. His bosses have basically said there's nothing they can do so if he is hours away we are planning to get an ambulance rather than rely on family as I'd rather have a professional with me and oh can make his way to the hospital.
My hubby is gonna miss the birth. We are in different countries and it just won't be possible esp after I am expected to give birth before my due date. My mum will be with my though and I am currently staying with her.
I get how stressful it can be but usually labor isn't a quick thing so hopefully they will be able to make it on time. Xo
I think the same thing already..

OH works 5am-10pm Monday-Friday then Saturday & Sunday mornings with his own business either from the house or at his gym 2 hours away in London. He won't be doing those hours when he is born though; thankfully!!

I will be going on maternity leave from 35 weeks & obviously can't predict when I will go into labour but I can get to the hospital in 10 minutes from here whereas if he is at work it will take him a good 2.5/3 hours.

He will be able to have his phone on him but I still worry as he would have to literally drop everything & get back through traffic & onto trains etc!!

Think it's one of those things where we just have to wait & see.. I could go overdue as due 5th December which if I did would tie his paternity leave with his Christmas break.

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Yup we are the same, hubby works all over country Monday-friday and my labour with belle was just over an hour. I have just made peace with the fact that if things so a certain way he won't make it. Really sad, but just one of those things, and you can't put everything on hold for weeks on end. I would suggest just having a 'just in case' plan in place so you don't panic at the time cx
I would like my mum to be there so if he can't make it back she would be with me I suppose!!

First babies generally arrive late and first labours are generally on the longer side.

I'm sure your oh' s will be with you and won't miss out.

It's only natural to worry about it though. It's such an important event, you want to be together when it happens.

Thanks for all your teplies lovely ladies! In a non selfish way it's nice to know so many of us feel the same.

I don't know what I'd do without this group sometimes, keeps me sane and not feel like a mad women :)

Dont worry you just cant plan these things xx

We have no childcare yet so think we might just wing it and ill do the birth bit myself and hubby can bring kids straight in at visiting hours and see baby then, but with little kids hell only get 20 mins with the noise etc, not sure how it will pan out so we will see, basically just try not to worry about it, yourll get all worked up and it could be totally fine xx
My oh doesn't work too far away thankfully it's the "your too stressed,excited,nervous to drive yourself and Mrs so I'll drive you" part which I do not want as it's something for us to do together and plus if it's a quick labour I don't want to be dependant on someone driving us and picking us up, don't get me wrong when I had to go to the hospital for monitoring they where amazing but we are capable of driving ourselves and it's a special moment the only other person I want is my mum but she may not be able to of she's having radiotherapy and/or work plus we live 3and half hours away so that's a big drive for her to come down especially if it's a long labour xxx
I am the same with my hubby, we live in Glasgow and in his line of work he is either driving up to the top of Scotland or down to the north of England so can be a good few hours away! his earliest start is 5.30am and he doesn't have a finishing time, just whenever he is finished his route. I am hoping near my due date his work will send him out on 'local' drives only but who knows. he has a work mobile so always contactable should I go into labour while hes at work! xxx
Such a common worry isn't it!

Like JJ said its one of them things we can't plan I suppose, I need to get used to not being in control haha!


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