One Sided Pain


Well-Known Member
Feb 7, 2010
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Okay, might be being silly bit have had a very specific pain on my right side about level with my belly button and have almost convinced myself that its an ectopic pregnancy and its all going to go wrong.
Has anyone had any experience of this?
I'm not in any of the risk groups for it but worried.
Going to see doctor first thing tomorrow morning anyway so will bring this up there, just looking for some reassurance here.
i get a pain that i could almost draw a line down it quiet sharp and always on one side and iv noticed it when i need to drink more and flush my bladder thru tmi sorry lol so might be start of a wee infec other than that i dont know as dont have experience of ectopic x
That's kind of whats its like - in a line up and down along one of my stomach muscles - hope its just my body adapting but will go an drink lots of water in case :)
Dont worry Frankie although thats prob the only thing I havent mentioned being worried about on here it IS def something that has crossed my mind since sat and I still have lots of low left sided goings on! Stretching pulling probing sort of stitch feeling....think its hopefully our bodies getting used to having our babies on board ;-) when you due frankie?? Isnt this all exciting xxx
Not sure exactly as never got a handle on my cycle but think I am due around the 4th Dec but fully expecting that to be adjusted at scans in the future. Very near you anyway!! :)
Ah fab....well according to my cycle and last AF dates im due 7th decemeber....but will prob be nov as I have history of Pre Eclampsia and delivered DD 3.5 week early but will still have xmas baby ;-) xxx
OMG FRANKIE just seen you have a bfp!! that is fab!!!!!!!!!!! congrats
Thanks, just a bit worried at the moment with this pain on my right side, saw doctor today who basically said keep a close eye on it and if it gets worse/fainting/bleeding then prob is an ectopic and need to go to A&E. So am now totally paranoid about it al. Just want this pain to go away so that I can get on and enjoy a healthy prgnancy. So scared its going to be over before it starts.
i had same and went for an early pregnancy scan they said everything ok it could b growing pains or bowel related (sorry tmi) even though i didnt need toilet it was there like blocked up so eat fibre and water good luck xxxxxxx
Aw hon - I get pains on one side then on the other a few days later and had this when I had Harrison too - collapsed once at about 6 weeks cos pain was so bad and it was pit down to a bowel spasm (nice!!!) so I would relax and take it that it's normal unless you get really bad which I'm sure you won't.

I woudl phone the midwife attached to the practice for advice too rather than the GP xxxx
Thanks girls, cos I'm in the forces had to go and see military doctor today. Am registering with local practice this week so after thats all gone through I should have access to "normal" care. At the moment am trying to stay hopeful and the pain isn't constant so am hoping that is a good sign. Fingers crossed it goes away soon, just nice to know other people have had similar aches and pains. :)
I have pain to the left it comes and goes tho it is not constant, worrying all the same as they are so precious to us all but hopefully it is just growing pains for the little one here's to a hhp x
Yes it is worrying but I'm trying to be positive. It goes away when I lie down, mainly there when sitting down so hoping it just my insides sorting themselves out. Will be good to have it gone or not any worse in a weeks time. Lets hope we both have hhp and these annoying pains GO AWAY!!!!

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