one sided pain in early pregnancy?


Well-Known Member
Oct 30, 2008
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HI everyone. For the past three days I have had cramps all over, but especially down on the left side. I also had a small amount of brown discharge and the doc sent me to hospital for a scan as she thought i was 5.5 weeks PG. I went yesterday morning, by which point, the cramps were alot less and not frequent and i had no more discharge. I talked with a great doctor at the hospital and we worked out that i am only 4 and a bit weeks pregnant. For this reason she said they could not do a scan so they took some blood and checked my cervix and for any pains when examined. I'm pleased to say my Cervix is closed and i had no obvious areas of pain when she checked.

She called me in the afternoon and said to come back thurs for more bloods to test my levels are rising as her concern is obviously in case it is ectopic. she also said my levels are still a bit low, which could indicate that i am only 4 weeks PG as I had originally thought. I have to be honest, i feel alot better again this morning with a lot less pain, tho i can feel it on the left side more and again, no discharge. Could it be this was implantation cramping, or is there a good chance it could be ectopic still?

Has anyone had similar experiences with pregnancy? I have read elsewhere that pain on one side can sometimes be where it is attached to the lining also.

Any advice warmly welcomed as i'm a newbie!!!!!!
i didnt get one sided pain in either pregnancy (and one was healthy and one failed, so its neither worrying nor not worrying!) :hug:

but of course u might know i was at the EPU last week and i was concerned about ectopic- i was reassured by the MW that "you will know about it" if it was, the pains wouldnt be mild they would be agony and i would be gasping in the docs surgery most likely if its ectopic. glad theyre already doing hcg tests, they should put ur mind at rest and even if it was ectopic they can stop it becoming dangerous if its discovered this early. i think with ectopic they look for hcg falling, then rising up again. (did a bit of research on th' ol' internet last week when i'd had my hcg done!)

sounds fine to me sweetheart try not to worry x x x
I had a scare like this at 8 weeks on my right side and at the time they rushed me in to check it wasnt eptopic. I was in Alot of pain but they could find nothing wrong in the end and put it down to attaching like Tangerinedream had.

With something like that Im sure they woulnt risk any harm to you so go with the flow but if it gets worse dont be afraid to go back.

i had codine for a few weeks it was so bad but it went as quickly as it came. hope the same happens to you

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