On a downer...all week...


Well-Known Member
Jan 13, 2010
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Hey Ladies...sorry, I know its Saturday night and people probably dont want to read this but I'm just feeling really down this past week...culminating in a huge row with OH last night AND today (I've posted about that on the relationship thread!!! Lol...) Just dont see it happening for me...all week I've been really ratty and although I had some seemingly good symptoms last week they seem to have pretty much gone and now I'm just waiting for AF to turn up...cant face another month having to try and make OH have sex with me...blah blah blah...sorry, just feeling down and ratty....
Hope everyone else is having a good Sat night though!!!!! :lol:
i was in a similar place with oh last week hun big hugs chocolate ice cream needed x
Thanks hun...I hate feeling down about all this stuff and I know we've been trying for such a small amount of time but its all so daunting and just feel like crying at the thought of another BFN...
Mmmm though, chocolate ice cream!!! Shame I aint got any of that though!!! Lol...nice bit of chocolate cake perhaps? I think so!!!!
i'm totally with you hun it is so hard x if you ever wanna chat just pm me. Chocolate cake yum yum yum!
Heya, I hope you are feeling a bit better jarjar. Chocolate in any form sounds like good medication :wink:

Try dipping some chocolate into a mug of hot chocolate.
Had some chocolate cake and my stomach really played up so even that didn't work for me last night!!! Lol...
Feeling a bit better today thanks ladies, just gotta try and stay positive and wait I guess...
:hug: hope feel better soon jarjar,half way thru 2ww :)
Thanks Emma, yep, not long now!!! I wonder if this week will go even slower than the last one????
Scratch my earlier post saying I feel better! I feel like I could either burst into tears or bite someone's head off....snapped at OH earlier and he asked what was wrong with me cos I've apparently had 'an attitude' all day...tried explaining to him that with the exception of Friday night and yesterday I just dont know what is wrong...feels like PMT but even worse and I NEVER get PMT this early...I was also rinsing the sink out earlier after washing up, put my hands in the water flow which was hotter than I thought it would be and I had to stop myself crying...THEN (sorry yes, there is more!) a girl that my OH works with left a message on his FB page just saying 'BUTTON!!!!!! :)' which is apparently her nickname for him (after Benjamin Button) and I've now got the raving hump again and ready to accuse him of having an affair........AAAARRRRRGGGGHHHHH, even I dont want to spend time with me at the moment!!!!!
Hi Jarjar..... Ive been trying to conceive since Jan too and if one more person tells me that me and oh have only been trying for a little bit and it will happen I will scream!!! I know its all true but you just feel like every day since new year has been a month and if somebody could gaurantee that it will happen one day you wouldnt mind waiting wouldyou..... but its all the worry that it wont happen gets you stressed and all the little things that you once could cope with are now big mountains!!!! Try not to take it out on your oh as he is going through the same as you and you need eachother rite now!!!!! Stray strong because i do beleive stress will stop it happening ........................... positive thinking is the way forward....................... chin up chick..... its our year x x x x x
You're right Mushy, but I can really empathise with what jarjar is saying. Ever since me and my other half got married last September I've heard nothing else from all sides about when we'll be starting a family...as if it's that easy! We're on our 5th cycle and it's really hard work. I've been really snappy all day with my other half cos the stress of it all really gets to you and now it's getting warmer I just keep seeing pregnant ladies everywhere (bumps are better hidden in winter) and its hard not to wonder when it'll be your turn. I really hope it won't take much longer for the sanity of all of us!
Thanks Ladies, you're both right...I know me taking things out on my OH is not a good thing cos really all I'm doing is pushing him away...today didn't help though cos his Son was round for the day and I just felt like I was having it rubbed in my face you know, the fact he's already a parent and I'm not...or maybe that's just cos I'm taking everything so personally this past week...My Brothers girlfriend gave me a book on managing your fertility yesterday and then they started going 'you have to tell Ben to pull his finger out and get the job done, maybe he's firing blanks' etc etc and I just felt like screaming...before I told people we were trying all I used to get was 'so, when you having kids?' and now I've told a couple of people all I'm getting is 'not pregnant yet?'...I only told a couple of people cos I thought it would shut them up!!
Sounds like you can't win!! I think the best cure is to rant and rave about what's bugging you. Get it all out of your system. :)
Exactly, I cant win!
I dont know what it is to be honest...just feeling so emotional! Maybe its the fact that it hasn't happened for me yet, maybe its the fact I'm just waiting for AF to turn up this week, maybe its cos I know its not as important to my OH and therefore he is not willing to work as hard as I am, maybe its just PMT!
Maybe af won't turn up and you're all emotional becuase you're pregnant? I'm sure it is as important to your OH. They have a different way of reacting and showing how they feel. I suppose all they feel they have to do is set the little swimmers on their way and that's it! There is no way they can understand what it is like for us symptom spotting and being in the dreaded 2WW (feels more like the 2 year wait now!!).

I keep wondering that you know, if it could be cos I'm going to get my BFP...I know when I normally get PMT its for a day or 2 before AF shows up but this has been for about a week now...who knows? Last week looked promising with other symptoms too but now most of them seem to have stopped...
Yeah, he definitely dont get how it feels from my side, at all!! All he knows is that I'm either on or we need to have sex, he dont think about what its like inbetween those times!!!!
Hang in there Jar Jar - either you have hit the 3 week mark in your cycle as thats when it all hits home , as you have got through the first week, and you know you have a week left yet, and you start wishing and overthinking it, that's what I did. Your hormone surge of LH and then drop after , also really plays with your mind.

Or you are damm stroppy cause you BFP is coming -and god I really hope so, I was a right cow for a week and a half before mine , think it must be the hormone changes !
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Hope you feel better asap jarjar its awful when we feel so down and cant snap out of it....Like JJ says....hopefully its just you being a stroppy mare coz your BFP is just around the corner xxxx

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