
Well-Known Member
Dec 13, 2006
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how fast is time going - i am 17 weeks pregnant tomorrow!!!!! christ - only 3 weeks and im 20 weeks - its scary how fast its all going!!!!!

anyone else feel like its going mega fast?!?

I feel like this pregnancy is going so fast so far Im 23 weeks on friday! :shock:
Mine is just starting to speed up now i know the sex etc, really want to get past 24 weeks and then will get even more excited!
Totally agree with you, this last month has gone so fast! Waiting for the 12 week scan seemed to take forever, but being put forward to 13wks and then going and telling folk, the last 3 weeks have just vanished!

S xx
Me too :shock: all of a sudden it's going mega fast. Just think once your 20 wks your halfway there eek!
I thought it was really dragging then the other day I though OMG Iv been preggers for at least 4months and that cheered me up!

Everyone else said second tri would speed by, and OMG has mine? I don't know where it's gone - only feels like yesterday I was longing to get to 12 weeks. Now I'm facing all the milestones: 24 weeks, double figures to go, 4D scan and then Tri 3!! :O
Well ive only just got to second tri and that seems to have take a life time!! I hope it does speed up!!

Claire x
It's strange, I feel as though 2nd tri has dragged, but when I think that in 2 weeks I will be in 3rd tri it seems to have gone fast :?

I have moments when I want it to go really fast and then I get sad and think that I want it to go slow cos I will miss my bump when it's gone.

I can't make my mind up wether mine's going fast or dragging.

One minute I think I'm only 17 weeks and two days and there's still AGES to go and it going soooooo sloooowly

the next minute I think....OMG, I've only got 3 weeks and I'm half way through and it only seems like 5 minutes since I was reading up on being 6 and 7 weeks pregnant so it going so damn fast.

I think because different people are asking me every day at work how far gone I am i'm counting down every day so it seems slower than it would if I was only saying it every couple of weeks.
I am with ya Miss Gobby. It is flying by!
Nope its going sooo slooooowly for me

OH thinks saying it going so quick now but for me its slow. Doesn't help that although at 26.3 weeks still being sick in morning and then just generally feel large and uncomfortable and now swollen ankle too! Here's to third tri flying past (lol)
I think it is going fast too! I was on holiday last week and actually lost count of what week I was in! I couldn't remember for the life of me whether I was 16 or 17. I like this fast pace :D
Congratulations :hug: The weeks are flying by for me now, am glad it seems to be going fast (and well) for you :)

C xxx
Oooh yes I get all nervous when I realise how fast the time is flashing by. I only have 3 working weeks left at work before maternity leave though so yay :cheer:
It is going way too fast but I like the speed of things...I am getting impatient to see our little bundle of joy but then every evening we discuss about how I will get through labour pains yikes!! 2 more weeks- will be in 3rd tri..woops!!
definitely was slow in 1st tri and the anxiety of reach week 12. But now since we have hit 20 weeks it seems like the weeks are flying in. Looking forward to 4D scan on 20th June, then June 29th 3rd tri.

Hope 3rd tri goes fast but really think it will do

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