

Well-Known Member
Feb 3, 2010
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So last week I burnt the dinner then forgot to put half of it in the oven another day and today I dropped it and smashed the pie dish arggggghhh

I've broken two glasses in three days :mad: I'm glad it's not just me, I was starting to worry!!
Lol i'm extremely accident prone just lately too :/ I say we can defo blame it on pregnancy :) xxx
Get utself some paper plates and cups lol
Im the same, a few weeks ago made a lovely chicken dinner then dropped the gravy jug and it was all over the kitchen, although lately its more forgetfulness than clumsiness with me x
I managed to smear tomato ketchup on the kitchen door handle, living room door handle and kitchen floor... and I never noticed til hubby went to shut one of the doors and got covered lol
I found a splog of jam on the inside of my bra. The bra was freshly washed, I don't remember eating jam and how the hell did it get on the inside and not all over my boobies?!
Ninja, I drop things down my cleavage constantly! I was having Sunday lunch at my mums at the weekend and she was laughing as I was fishing cheesecake out of my top!

Ninja, I drop things down my cleavage constantly! I was having Sunday lunch at my mums at the weekend and she was laughing as I was fishing cheesecake out of my top!


I was having scrambled egg for breakfast on Sunday morning still wearing my sleep bra and pjs. Afterwards went upstairs to get ready, took off my sleep bra and found the biggest piece if scrambled egg logged down me cleavage. How I didn't know it was there I don't know. And now for the really gross bit.... The egg fell out and one of the cats gobbled it up before I could retrieve it ewwwwww.
LMAO! We don't have any cats to hoover up my mess lol I'm driving OH mad!

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