omg! you wont ever guess what!


Well-Known Member
May 23, 2007
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seriously.. you wont guess..

im having a baby.. its just dawned on me. that theres a little baby in there.. seriously! i tiny little baby is going to be comming out in january.

cant believe it.. its only now just hit me.
:D :D

I have yet to have that realisation, still cant believe there is a baby in there. :roll:

that dawned on me with my first contraction so its good you've got used to it now :rotfl:
:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: all they nappies u been buying didnt give u a hint>?
hehe, woweee a baby!!

Im just pregnant me lol :)
well i was having a baby from the + on the test with charlotte.. i wasnt excited about being pregnant.. this time ive just been pregnant.. untill just now..i think ive been telling m,yself its a boy for so long.. and this last 2 weeks i have been warming to the idea of having a girl.. and now i think ive realised.. omg.. im gonna be a mammy again..and theres something inside me..

i thought it would come after the 20 week scan..(coz wasnt getting attached incase something was wrong with it) but when all was well.. nothing changed.. ive bought practically everything.. so its not that. just strange its come almosy 6 weeks late.. but nevermind..
I must admit i dont think my head has got round the idea i am going to have a baby.

To the point of that i havent actually bought anything for the baby yet because i feel strange as though i shouldnt be buying things, i really dont know how to explain it.

I look at all the baby things but i feel silly, when i shouldnt because i am pregnant, and i will need to start buying stuff eventually.
Think i am just a bit weird to be honest :?
:hug: :hug: :hug:

I don't know whether it has fuly dawned on me yet- I suppose I just can't begin to imagine what it will be like :D
It must be a mad still hasn't got to me. We have been out looking at prams etc today, but I felt silly looking...I just can't believe that in 6 months we're going to be a mummy and daddy and not the cosy twosome we've been used to for 10 years. Mad and scary but VERY exciting :cheer:
it hasn't fully dawned on me yet either, some days i think oh my god its real i'm gonna have a baby and others feel like normal day it'll sink it completely...probably when i give birth :rotfl:
I put some vests in the trolley at Sainsbury the other day and then walked halfway round the store to put them back. I'm either in complete denial or scared to tempt fate! :shakehead:
timsmom said:
I put some vests in the trolley at Sainsbury the other day and then walked halfway round the store to put them back. I'm either in complete denial or scared to tempt fate! :shakehead:

I'm exactly the same :? I've bought some nappies, wipes and cotton wool... but when it comes to the clothes I just can't do it!!! I feel a fraud for some bizarre reason (despite the size of my stomach... :lol: )
i still dont feel pregnant, despite the naseau, bump, lack of sleep and the fact that baby is a real wriggler... cant quite explain it... it's still not real yet....

we've bought loads of stuff and are about to start decorating the nursery..(i have a fear she'll be early and i am a bit monica from friends about being organised) but it still isnt quite real yet.... [/i]
I don't think it's sunk in for me either. I haven't bought a single thing yet, not even any maternity clothes, just don't feel in the mood for it :shock:
Think maybe it's cos I've got James to keep me busy. I've also been preoccupied with being ill with flu for the past few days so being pregnant has taken a back seat.
I'm sure once I start getting a bump it will feel more real.
muppetmummy said:
I don't think it's sunk in for me either. I haven't bought a single thing yet, not even any maternity clothes, just don't feel in the mood for it :shock:
Think maybe it's cos I've got James to keep me busy. I've also been preoccupied with being ill with flu for the past few days so being pregnant has taken a back seat.
I'm sure once I start getting a bump it will feel more real.

I'm just waiting for the results from my bloods and scan and once I have been told everything is ok, I'm gonna go shopping in earnest. As far as maternity clothes go. I've got a couple of tunic tops which are in at the momnt which cover a mutlitude of sins. My casual stuff is more of a problem, my jeans are killing me!

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