OMG what i thought was just routine antenatal......UPDATED

Natural mamma

Well-Known Member
Jun 21, 2007
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My midwife is fully booked up til well after my due date which is crap....and to get an appointment with G.P i have to ring that morn as they are booked up....

Anyways have been seeing my G.P went this morn for routine 39wk checkup

And he says right can't tell where the back is exactly but head is definitley down.... Goes to hear heartbeat...isn't where it should he goes all round my belly...

And gets a nice clear sound from up the top of my belly.....ahhhhh he says it may be breech........

Shit fuck shit fuck shit......i have a scan at 2.20pm to check........i am shaking and in total shock.... :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:

It doesn't leave me much time to try every trick i know to turn baby....if he/she is breech. :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:

A midwife would know by feeling my tum.....i never had to have a scan with my fourth he was breech up until this point in pregnancy.......
omg this is whta im scared about!
shes been head down since the beginning but i keep having a weird feeling she may have turned around, because everytime i go to the midwife, babys back seems to be in a different place and i keep thinking, sh!t what if she's breech, cos midwife seems to think she's in a different position each time!

at least they are getting you in for a scan straight away. hopefully it will put your mind at rest.. good luck :hug: :hug:
Good luck i hope its all a load of panic over nothing and baby is still head down.

:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Good luck! My baby went into the breech position at 36 weeks and I spent all of christmas worrying about it, so I sympathise with how you must be feeling although it must be worse as you are much further on.

Try to think positively - my baby did turn back without me noticing but they sent me for a scan just to double check because I'm hoping to have a home birth. I vaguely remember reading one of your earlier posts about a birth pool (?) perhaps they are just checking to be on the safe side as you don't want to labour at home only to find she is breech. When my baby was breech I could feel her head knocking against my ribs and my midwife said if she went breech again I'd know about it because I would be sick.

One more thing, her head may be so far back that its difficult to pick up her heartbeat - the doctor could have picked up the pulse in one of the vessels from the placenta which sounds more like a swoosh rather then the clicking sound of her heart.

Fingers crossed that things work out fine!
Katie Ann said:
Good luck! My baby went into the breech position at 36 weeks and I spent all of christmas worrying about it, so I sympathise with how you must be feeling although it must be worse as you are much further on.

Try to think positively - my baby did turn back without me noticing but they sent me for a scan just to double check because I'm hoping to have a home birth. I vaguely remember reading one of your earlier posts about a birth pool (?) perhaps they are just checking to be on the safe side as you don't want to labour at home only to find she is breech. When my baby was breech I could feel her head knocking against my ribs and my midwife said if she went breech again I'd know about it because I would be sick.

One more thing, her head may be so far back that its difficult to pick up her heartbeat - the doctor could have picked up the pulse in one of the vessels from the placenta which sounds more like a swoosh rather then the clicking sound of her heart.

Fingers crossed that things work out fine!

Thanks hun.....

My intuition says all will be well..and i'll know for sure in a few hours.....
will take my birth pool into hospital with me :lol: :lol: :lol:
Good luck :hug: I hope you get the birth you want :D
Good luck, hope your instincts are right :hug: :hug: :hug:
Oh no! Exactly what you didn't want to hear!!

My MW also said my baby was breech at last appointment, although I have plenty of time, it's still a worry, so I can't imagine how you must be feeling!!

Good luck!
Oh no.... what a nightmare for you! At least you will be having a scan today so you know for sure :hug:

Last week I mentioned to my MW that my ribs were really hurting on one side. She felt my stomach and said it's because baby's head was lodged under them! I got the shock of my life and said "His head?!! Is he breech?!" :shock: Thankfully she said "Oh sorry, I mean his bum.... it's been one of those days".... Phew!
oh shit! not what you wanted to hear NM, but m baby was breech at 38 weeks, then went transverse and then turned - hopeully the babys not breech and all will be fine.
I hope the scan goes well :hug: :hug: :hug:

It's rubbish that you can't see a midwife. I wouldn't have thought a gp would have as much experience.
Glad it's all ok, annoying that the doctor worried you uneccessarily :hug: :hug:
How cack is that?! And shocking that you can't get a midwife appointment! :shock:

Best of luck moving the baby! :hug:

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