OMG we have carpet beetles!!!


Well-Known Member
May 8, 2006
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:cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:

I hate bugs as it is, they are everywhere! I dont know what to do!, OH's mums house is massive, me OH and LO are in a tiny room while we are wating for our other room to ne finished and they are all in our room aswell, I found there lava in our quilt :puke: :puke: :cry: :cry:

We have had so much crap thrown at us over this past year, and now we have flammin stupid carpet gay beetles :lol: If I didnt laugh id cry I really would :lol:
Oh poor you....get that spray down and keep LO well away from it.
Hope they are erradicated ASAP!!
you have gay beetles? How closely have you looked at them to know that? :rotfl:
Tasha20 said:
:cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:

I hate bugs as it is, they are everywhere! I dont know what to do!, OH's mums house is massive, me OH and LO are in a tiny room while we are wating for our other room to ne finished and they are all in our room aswell, I found there lava in our quilt :puke: :puke: :cry: :cry:

We have had so much crap thrown at us over this past year, and now we have flammin stupid carpet gay beetles :lol: If I didnt laugh id cry I really would :lol:

i don't know what to say -

you could rip all the carpets up.
libs said:
you have gay beetles? How closely have you looked at them to know that? :rotfl:

I caught two humping and just assumed :lol:

Well until both me and OH move up to the bigger room we cant do anything about our room, theres no room to move our bed or cot out, the house is in caos becuase OH's mums ceiling fell down and shes just had it plasterd so her stuff is everywere too.

We cant rip the carpets up because the house is carpeted everywere apart from the kitchen and front room, I would quite happily do it, but its not my home.

They have spent thousands over the past month or so getting our room done and it just been crap after crap thrown at us :(

I am worried Olis cot set is going to get ruined, as apprently the lava eat fabric and it causes alot of damage :(

I so want my own home :cry:
:cry: :cry:

I cant cope anymore, just so much going on, I cant stand bugs as it is and now ive got to sleep with them.

I hate how theres not much I can do, its not my home, and OH's mum said they dont bother her.

If I find any on Oli im going to screw I swear im going to hit the roof :x
tasha maybe you could contact rentokill or something. :think: not sure if they deal with this sort of thing or not.
I think they do, but the problem is, we have so much stuff everywere theres nowere to put ii while they are in, not just that we really couldnt afford it, they charge loads to even come out.

I feel stuck, I just want to go to my mums, but shes in scarborough and I cant afford to go by train.

Oh im sure we will get thru it, just hate to think they could go on Olivia :(

They are minging :cry:
Oh Tasha poor you :(

What a nightmare! Have you looked in the yellow pages? There may be local pest people that are cheaper than Rentokil?

When we were infested with fleas (oh I hate that word :puke: ) we got a local company in and it only cost around £20! :D
As soon as we move up next week we are going to blitz the house and hopefully get rid of these minging things :)

Oh fleas are horrible, I remember my cat having them when I was little :puke:
Oh no tasha..... :( Can't offer any advice other than what has already been suggested, but just wanted to give you a hug....I hate bugs so I can imagine how you are feeling :hug:
Hiya Tasha, poor you :hug:
In Northumberland our County Counil will come and de-bug you, even if you're not living in a council house. If you phone them they'll put you through to enviromenal health and it's all free. I found this out at a Council Forum I atteneded the other week ( Got £75 cash for going te-he )
Maybe it's worth giving them a ring? Iwouldn't worry bout your stuff being everywhere if you can keep those nasty beetles away from Oli :)
Good Luck
Thank you all for your advise and support :)

When we move up next week we are going to have ago at getting rid of these buggers :lol:

After a clean and hover the seemed to have disapeared but ill find em lol
get the hairspray out.. :) if that dont kill them itll make them look better haha
sorry its not funny

stand on the fuckers..


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