OMG that hurt!!!


Well-Known Member
Oct 26, 2007
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I thought i was a big strong tough women who could take pain....

I had a wax this morning and it was simply THE most painful thing EVER!! Even having my eyebrows done hurt, my eyes were watering and i'm all puffy now, i'm scared to look down there :shock: it doesnt hurt that much usually

If childbirth is anything like that i want an epi now plz!!
Apparently its much more painful to wax when PG, especially late on. Much more sensitive down there.
yep as Sherry said, its th ehormones that make it MUCH more painful xx
:shock: owww, at least its done now, i have to keep reminding OH that he needs to tackle my forest at some point! lol
Eeek, I was afraid to come in here incase it was something horrible! :lol:

My friend had a wax 2 weeks before she gave birth, she said it was extremely painful. It is due to the skin being extra sensitive in pregnancy, especially towards the end.

Another friend of mine was booked in to be induced 3 weeks early as Sophie wasn't growing anymore so the night before she used the hair removal cream and ended up getting a 1st degree burn! :shock:

I am going au naturale for the birth. :rotfl:
xjoann said:
I am going au naturale for the birth. :rotfl:

Sounds good to me! seeing as we cant see it anyway! lol

my friend works in a drs as a receptionist, she has a pregnant woman phone up who gave herself an enema and she burnt herself! :shock:
I had a wax "down there" yesterday too... I have been feeling they have been more painful since I got PG but OH. MY. GOD. I actually yelped out in pain (I was so embarrassed), thank god I won't be PG when I have to have it done again)

Oh no I was going to tackle that sometime next week, I'm now dreading it :(
I wasn't sure how to tackle this problem, I was too chicken last time so went as nature made me but had thought about having a tidy up this time.... now I'm not so sure - if all the midwives and docs didn't laugh last time it can't be that bad!!

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