OMG moments


Well-Known Member
Sep 27, 2010
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I had one of these this morning when I was again at the hospital getting my blood pressure checked.

Instead of the normal day assessment room they stick me in the midwife had to do my blood pressure in one of the delivery suites with the birthing pool and everything.

I was sat there and suddenly realised that at some point in the next 2 weeks I will be in that room having a baby in that pool eek!!!

I pointed this out to Riven who duly gave me a kick as if he agreed :) and I said that I couldn;t wait to meet him there and that's when the midwife walked back in lol to me talking to him like a crazy bean :)

Is anyone else still having OMG moments??

I had an OMG moment earlier, quite an odd one mind you! I got my car MOT'd and said to OH at least there's no more car stuff tax etc till October now, and he went yep when we will have a 3month old. That was an OMG i will have a baby really soon! x
Yep, when I realised that I could actually go into labour in 2 WEEKS (I know it's unlikely) - that seems so much shorter than 4 weeks! Flip. And also the fact that I keep on tripping over the carseat that's in our hallway! Probably won't feel real until the day actually comes xx
had an OMG moment on sat when visiting a friend who was due to have her baby 3 days before me but ended up giving birth to her baby girl on thursday evening weighing 4.5lb ! i couldnt help thinking god this is going to be me in the next 3 weeks !!!! xx
i finish work on friday and as of tomorrow i have a fully baked baby thats making em think OMG x
i get OMG moments when i get appointments that are after my due date, such as the dentist and the ringtons tea bloke next calling etc :lol: yes...i buy tea from ringtons :rofl: hehe!

I keep getting excited about meeting my little man and then having OMG moments when I realise he'll be fully cooked in 3 weeks! :shock: Also my SIL is 3 weeks ahead of me and I know I'll have a big OMG moment when she has her little girl xxx
My OMG moment is in going to have a baby in my arms next week! If I'm induced on Sunday if baby doesn't come before :)
Yeah I can relate to the MOT thing, my car is due its MOT mid July and I keep thinking that's really soon, but then I realise that's a whole month AFTER peanut is due! Makes me realise how close we really are to becoming parents!

Really on the count down now, after yesterday was exactly one month till due date! x
I keep having OMG moments, especially when I think about whats happening over the next few weeks. When I finish uni officially in less than 2 weeks, Ill have 2 weeks until mat leave at work, and then baby is due in 4 weeks! It just doesnt feel that long, considering uni stuffs been going really quick with deadlines and things! And then I think about everything I still need to do/sort out/buy, and its like damn, where has all the time gone?! Needless to say, I love it tho!
I haven't had any yet, it's like it isn't real still! I was the same with my dd, when I was told I was 7cm dilated and to come on down to delivery I got a bit hysterical, laughing and crying at the same time, complete tears of joy, it was like the realisation had hit me that Yes- there really IS a baby in there and she's on her way out!!!

I find it completely amazing that there is a tiny person in there, so close to me, who I can feel and love with all my heart, yet I've never met him and I don't know what he looks like, but I feel like I should!! It's all very bizarre!
Yep all the time. i think OMG when i think 2 weeks today our little man will be here and my next app will be my pre op app 2days before my section :eek: :D
Mrsyogibear - I am a little envious that you know when baba is coming lol is that wrong?
Mrsyogibear - I am a little envious that you know when baba is coming lol is that wrong?

Lol not really I'm having an elective section though i wouldnt know when he was coming if i wasnt having a section. :)
bella its not wrong im a little jealous but dnt envy the fact shes having a section x
I think it's exciting not knowing when baby is coming, those days after the due date are so exciting! Just me then..... Lol x
I found it sooooooo frustrating going over everyday thinking could be today lol
I didn't mind going over, in fact I enjoyed it because it was like making the most of those last few days of pregnancy x

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