OMG!! I'm full term tomorrow! Also question

Little Bump

Well-Known Member
Jul 21, 2008
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When did that happen?!

I can't believe it to be honest! I think she wants to come out, though is currently trying to claw her way out with her toes via my ribs-little sod!

Also, re; this scan on thursday where I have to take my hospital bag incase they decide to 'whip her out' that afternoon, MW's exact words :? Do I need to take anything additional does anyone know or just my standard hospital bag?
Happy full term for tomorrow!! :cheer: :cheer: Don't know about the hospital bag but good luck and hope everything goes ok :hug: :hug:
Happy full term for tomorrow!! :cheer: Yay! That's gone soooo quickly!

Not long now :D

I'd take your hospital bag and keep it in the car or something tbh.. They did kind of pre-warn you that they might "whip her out" so it's worth taking just in case!

Keep us updated! xx
happy due date for 2moz!! :rotfl: that makes me laugh what the midwife said!! its one way of putting it!!!

not sure either whether you have to take anything additional, i would just take standard hospital bag and dont forget your antenatal notes!!! i have a fear of forgetting to take mine cause i havent packed them in my bag yet cause i may need them again for the midwife! we will get half way to the hospital and i will have forgotten them!! :rotfl:

anyway, good luck hun and keep us posted! :hug:
Happy full term for tomorrow :cheer:

I reckon they would have told you if you needed anything extra :D
Congrats on full term, only extra thing i can suggest are mags, good book incase u have to wait??

Thanks ladies, and Sharne-oooh I never thought of that! I shall go hunt out my fave books!

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