OMG hairs sprouting everywhere!


Well-Known Member
Jan 29, 2011
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Ok... I can put up with pregnancy hormones creating more hair on my tummy. I can almost forgive them for creating some on my nipples. But, I have just found one under my chin!

This is not on! Leave the face and neck alone! Uv already stuck spots on them, I dont need hairs as well !

Have this image of being like those eldery women you see with long white hairs growing from their chin!
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Lol aww! OH thought I was being silly when I said my belly was hairier!
My belly looks a bit hairier too and always shaving my pits and legs just now!
Me too :( i've noticed a couple from my chin too which were swiftly plucked!!! My tummy is too. Does anyone know btw whether bikini waxes are safe when pregnant? Xx
I've seen the tri 3 ladies talk about them in prep for birth so I assume so
Same with chin! I also found one on my boob the other day. Noooooooooooooooooooooooo!
I've been getting bikini line waxed, just a bit sorer!
The tweezers were out as soon as I got home... barely got my jacket off!
I found one random hair growing out my neck, it was quite long too, and some on my inner thighs, about 6 on each one!!

This thing was quite long - i was wondering how I hadn't noticed, it was blonde right enough so probably blended in with my skin tone.

As soon as I saw it I thought - its coz im pg.

Hi :wave:, just having a quick lurk until I officially move over to Tri2 at weekend. Just thought I'd weigh in, I've got really dark thick hair anyway and spied some very unsavoury hair on my chin and neck. Had a serious tweezle and sorted it but so PO'd because they're the same colour as my hair, i.e. stands out like a sore thumb. Looks like I'm gonna have to be vigilant otherwise I'm gonna look like Desperate Dan by the end of this.

I have noticed more downy fine hair on my tummy FX I don't get big black horrible ones there.

Also my hair is really thick anyway but anyone notice their hair has got thicker? Mines gone mental.
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my hair is very straight but always gets a patch of curles when i'm pregnant, got it in the exact same spot as I had with my first, and its the most akward to straighten - right at the back.

Also my hair is really thick anyway but anyone notice their hair has got thicker? Mines gone mental.

Yep! Apparenty u lose less when pg so makes ur hair look thicker and fuller. Im not so sure... i still pull handfuls out of the plughole!

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