older kids


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2011
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was just wondering how many of you have older kids and what they think of the new arrival coming.

ive got a 15 and 16 year old and they cant wait, really excited to meet lo, im hoping they will be a great help too x x
Wow your lucky! I was about 15/16 when my little brother was born and I didn't want to know at all! Granted I had other issues, my mum had met my step dad and I didn't 'like' him (he's more of a dad than my dad now!), he had a daughter too which was hard as I was an only child, then I got moved from Winchester to London, was having a shitty time at school and mum got her BFP.

To be honest tho, when he came I REFUSED to go see him in hospital! Regret it now tbh but my Step Dad made sure that I used to have him thrust at me to give him bottles and babysit and things and were really really close now! When we told him about my baby he went and made him a little mobile!!

Hopefully you'll have an easier time than I gave my mum, but if they are excited already I don't doubt you will!
I have an 11 year old girl. Once she got over the fact she's getting a brother rather than a sister she has been fine. Do find she worries about me more and doesn't like going out if my OH is not there so I'm not on my own x been trying to make sure she gets a say in everything and we are making a letters to go on the nursery wall etc x
ah thanks im sure i will do, my other half has kids too, girls 17 and 14 and there just as excited x wont be short of baby sitters x x
kerry5 thats lovely with the letters, i agree with them being involved my daughter came with me and my mum to buy all the baby bits x we made a day of it and went for lunch and i also bought some things for my daughter too, im also planning on buying the kids something or treating them to the cinema, their at an age where they go with mates rather than mum lol
My daughter is 14 she's loving having a baby brother after being an only child all this time and she is a great help. First thing she does after school is pick him up for a cuddle. Only thing I've not been able to convince her to do is change his nappy!
lol yeh cant see my two changing nappies x x x but i will try and persuad them xx there is only 12 months between them so my son never really felt like an older brother it was more like having twins x
She likes dressing him and bathing him, think she thinks it's like playing dolls just doing the nice bits!
I have 2 boys aged 12 & 13. My 12 year old is more for it than my 13 year old, although my 13 year old is starting to come round. However my 12 year old does nothing but worry about me, he hates it if I have to walk out on myself! If I get up to do something, he will insist on taking over! He is really excited about having a baby sister. Both of them have spent their pocket money some weeks on buying little bits for her! We go out of our way to make sure we involve them both as much as we can. I think my 13 year old will be happy to sit and play with her when shes here but don't think he will be up for helping out, where as my 12 year has already said he wants to feed her, bath her, play with her and so on! Makes it all really exciting knowing they are happy about it all too :) x x x
I have 2 boys aged 12 & 13. My 12 year old is more for it than my 13 year old, although my 13 year old is starting to come round. However my 12 year old does nothing but worry about me, he hates it if I have to walk out on myself! If I get up to do something, he will insist on taking over! He is really excited about having a baby sister. Both of them have spent their pocket money some weeks on buying little bits for her! We go out of our way to make sure we involve them both as much as we can. I think my 13 year old will be happy to sit and play with her when shes here but don't think he will be up for helping out, where as my 12 year has already said he wants to feed her, bath her, play with her and so on! Makes it all really exciting knowing they are happy about it all too :) x x x

aww thats brought a tear to my eye readin how carin and thoughtfull your 12 yr old is...bless him xxx
I have a 12 year old and a 9 year ole. They are both so excited and cant wait to meet their wee brother.

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