Old Wives Tales...

Can i just say that raspberry leaf tea isnt actually supposed to be used to induce labour. its taken so that the second stage of labour (the bit where you push) takes less time.
I took raspberry leaf tablets (stronger than the tea) from 34 weeks and i still went 5 days overdue, and so did loads of other women on the forum who have taken the raspberry leaf tea. Also my second stage was only 10 minutes long. :D

I dont think you should try to force labour, the baby will come when its ready. Saying that i had a shish kebab with really spicy chilli sauce the night i went into labour ,but it was probably due to the fact i had a sweep the same day :think: .
maybe it was just the ones that i took from holland and barrett :? ?, the shop assistant told me that the solid tablets had a higher concentration in them than the capsule tablets or the teabags , anyway it seemed to do the trick for me :D

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