Old Wives Tales...


Well-Known Member
Nov 20, 2006
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....to enduce labour

Anyone heard of any? I was laughing at suggestions in a book my mum had with me in the 70's that said the following type of things:

* Having sex
* Eating fresh pinapple
* Drinking rasperry juice
* Taking a bumpy car ride
* Doing what we'd call squats (down and up from the knees)
* Nipple stimulation for an hour :shock: (apparenly mimics a newborn feeding)
* Mineral Oil (brings on bowel movements and might aid labour movements)

Just wondering who's heard what other ones? I think some of them are funny!! :D
Eating spicy food and dancing like a crazed woman :shock:
I have heard of most of them..but it could just be a coincidence...i.e. you happen to have had curry for tea the day you go into labour!!
Yeah that's true, I just think some of them are funny, Mum gave me the book she had (and used, read daily etc) when she was pregnant with me ('78-'79) and it's so outdated it's funny but will be nice to pass on to my first born when he has his own family! :D
Well, the sex one worked for me with my first. 20 minutes later, labour started! :rotfl:

One of the consultants at the hospital swears by pineapple, but it has to be fresh, straight from the fruit. Something to do with an enzyme it contains. Didn't work for me though... :think:
My dad was telling us a story of how he drove my mum across ploughed fields at speed when she was overdue with my sister (in 1974) as he had a business trip he could not get out of coming up and did not want to miss the birth.... think they went through most of the things on this list!! :D

I sneaked my head round the corner of tri 3 and they were talking about raspberry tea so maybe some of these are still alive and well....
I think it's aroused my curiosity because I'd rather Pudding came early than late....no real reason, it makes no difference to me what so ever, no dates, holidays, birthdays etc around late July/early August but I've had July 26th in my head since getting pregnant (EDD 08/08) and might have to try the sex (poor hubby :rotfl: ) and pinapple etc, I'm going on the hunt for rasperry tea too!! :) If July 26th comes off it will be a miracle indeed!! :D
The nipple stimulation is meant to work but only if you do it for hours lol,
ive tried but get fed up after 5mins!
It has given me some painful contractions tho
i tried the nipple thing but just go sore nipples so gave u plus i got bored. :rotfl: :wall:
I've heard all of these before and was told most of them when I had my son in 1990. Actually, due to my advanced age, they are very familar! :lol: I actually remember the late 70s and early 80s very well :hug:

I was told by a friend at work to stay away from Raspberry tea during pregnancy. I'm not sure I'd like to risk any of these things unless I was overdue.

I think all these are still done by alot of ladies in third tri :) Im sure they can tell you their experiences.
*saulino* said:

I think all these are still done by alot of ladies in third tri :) Im sure they can tell you their experiences.

I don't wanna peep in there till it's T3 time for me....keeping it a suprise etc!! (sad huh?!) but can't wait till I can peep in there and start asking even more silly questions than I do in here!! :rotfl:
apparently the sex thing works because sperm softens the cervix or something like that, i always thought it was due to orgasm which releases oxytosin(sp) which is also relaesed when breast feeding :wink:

(sorry i did animal science at uni :rotfl: )
yeh i have heard most of them, in my book the nipple stimulation one says for several hours!!!! drinking oil to make urself sick i heard as well although i wudnt try it. xxxx
Drinking oil (mind you I do now recall reading that somewhere else, castor oil or something gross) yeah will be giving that one a miss for sure. I can't believe the nipple thing is for "several hours" think we'll try to find something else when the time comes although you know babies they just come when they are good and ready not a second before or after! :D
the having sex one is ment to be the best if you really fancy it i know when im almost forty weeks i can bearly move but hey give it a go when your ready
I tried pineapple, I never want to see another one again in my life :puke:
Curry, bombay bad bot pot noodle, raspberry leaf tea and tablets, walks, bumpy car rides etc etc. Sex worked and we didnt even go the whole way as OH was squeemish :rotfl:
Waters went within the hour :)
Minime said:
I tried pineapple, I never want to see another one again in my life :puke:
Curry, bombay bad bot pot noodle, raspberry leaf tea and tablets, walks, bumpy car rides etc etc. Sex worked and we didnt even go the whole way as OH was squeemish :rotfl:
Waters went within the hour :)

My sister feels the same about pinapple- she ate so much she had really bad heartbutn and a burnt mouth.

just a thought about the sex one, because so many peple have said it works- what if you are still having regular sex, would it bring on labour too early or would it only begin when LO is ready anyway :think:
I took castor oil when pregnant with my first, after 3 hours i was in labour...

But god dont do it please girls, unless you wanna be running to the loo in between contractions, also the midwifes can tell when the baby slips out if you have took it, and you get a stern warning!!!
I've def heard of the rasberry tea one, i know it's not recommended that u drink it until at least 37 weeks pregnant so maybe some truth in it x

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