Old man names!?


Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2006
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Now I know we're expecting a boy we're thinking of names.

the two we agree on are Stanley and Frank.

I just love old men sounding names. OH has drawn the line at Arthur!

Is there something wrong with me :think:

So come on ladies, opinions!

Is it cruel to name a baby after a pensioner? If you think not, like me, have you any more suggestions!?! :D

Surname is Mabbs BTW

I like a lot of "old man" sounding names too, Like Frank and Alfie - But some are just awful - Like say Albert or Herbert!

In fact, our next child if a boy or girl, I want it to be "Frankie" after my dad - OH isn't too keen but he chose Ky's name so it's my turn next! - So
to Paul! lol

I quite like Stanley too "Stan the man" hee hee
I lurve Stanley! Not Frank though cause it reminds me of someone horrible! I also love Alfie.

Tan x

George is a bit of an old mans name but I like it. Not too keen on Frank or Stanley though.

My grandad is called Eric and we had it on our list of names for Isaac.

Lou :)
its ment to be the next craze wtih celebs ect ...old names.
i like Harry and victoria
I love Stanley but not Frank.

The pensioners that have them names now were babies at somepoint so you are just reusing the name.

Stanley is really lovely.
I'm loving Eric!

I suppose it's true that these things just go in cycles.

And I think a lot of babies look like little old men anyway! :D
I love old man names! Albert, Sid, Stan, Jim (my grandad's name). They are so cute on babies and little boys! :D
Love the name Stanley but not so keen on Frank.

Sorry no relevance at all but my parents next door neighbour who is 75 is called Bob Bobberla - lol it sounds made up, thought he was taking the pee when he said, so I played along telling him how awful it sounded :oops: (I put my foot firmly in gob)
Frank reminds me of Frank Butcher from Eastenders...''Ello Pat''
i love frank as when he is younge he may be called fanky and when hes old most people will call him frank :D
They all have a habit of coming back in fashion though, what parent would have called their kids George, Jack, Alice or Lily 20 years ago yet all the rage now....

Nothing wrong with you hun, just forward thinking thats all ;)
I like Frankie!!

We're havin a girl but if it was a boy he was gonna be called Archie.

S. xx
Well both mine have 'older' names: Emily and Jack
Not over keen on either Frank or Stanley (sorry :? ) but i do like Frankie.

At the school where i work we have a Tobias (never Toby) and a Nathanial (never Nathan)
so maybe 2 more to think about :think:
I love the name Arthur but Phil says no lol.
I also love Ivy for a girl but again he says no - spoil sport!

We both love Alice for a girl though. We've got that one down as a possibility for our next child (if it's a girl).
Xena said:
We both love Alice for a girl though. We've got that one down as a possibility for our next child (if it's a girl).

Yay - thanks Xena! (did suffer quite a bit with the old Alice in Wonderland, who the fuck is Alice routines though!)
I'm not so crazy about Stanley or Frank but I like these names


My husband doesn't like any of these(besides Jack), he calls them teddy bear names! :roll: :rotfl:

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