Olan Mills


Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2005
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Read this and thought I would pass it on.

14 December 2006

Olan Mills Holdings Ltd

Olan Mills Ltd (both in administration) (“the Companies”)

Richard Philpott and Myles Halley both of KPMG LLP were appointed in the High Court as Joint Administrators to the Companies on Thursday 14 December 2006.

Following an initial review of the business and its finances, the administrators regret to inform you that the Companies are unfortunately no longer able to continue trading. All stores have now closed and we are unable to fulfil any outstanding orders or appointments.

The administrators are also unable to make any refunds of monies paid. If you are owed money by either of the companies you will need to register your claim by writing to the administrators at 2 Cornwall Street, Birmingham, B3 2DL giving details of the amount you have paid.

At this stage we do not anticipate that any funds will be available to enable a distribution to unsecured creditors.

Customers requiring any further information should call customer services on 08457 585351.

The Company is now in Administration. Myles Halley and Richard Philpott from KPMG LLP have been appointed as Joint Administrators on 14 December 2006.

Question. I have paid a deposit/paid in full and I have not yet received my photographs. How do I get my photographs?
Answer. Regrettably Olan Mills is in Administration and we are at this stage still looking at whether we can fulfil orders where photos have been taken but not yet completed and sent out. Further information on whether we will be able to do this will be posted on the website in due course.

Question. I have paid a deposit/paid in full and I have not yet received my photographs. Can I have a refund?
Answer. Regrettably Olan Mills is in Administration and we cannot offer to refund money. Your claim is classed as an unsecured creditor claim and you will need to register your claim. This can be done by writing to the administrators at 2 Cornwall Street, Birmingham, B3 2DL giving details of the amount you have paid. We do not anticipate funds being available to pay any dividends to unsecured creditors.

Question. I have a “club plan” with Olan Mills, can I get a refund?
Answer. Olan Mills is in Administration and we cannot offer to refund money. Your claim is classed as an unsecured creditor claim and you will need to register your claim. Register your claim by writing to the administrators at 2 Cornwall Street, Birmingham, B3 2DL giving details of the amount you have paid.

We do not anticipate funds being available to pay any dividends to unsecured creditors.

We are in discussions with The Masters Photographers Association to try and ensure that a mechanism is in place to fulfil club plans. Please visit their website on www.thempa.com for further information.

The directors have placed monies on trust for club plans opened since 12 November 2006. It is anticipated that independent trustees will be appointed in due course, and a process established to enable claims to be made against this trust. Further information will appear on the website.

Question. I paid by Credit Card, what do I do?
Answer. Contact your Credit Card issuer, for claims over £100.

Question. I paid by Debit Card, what do I do?
Answer. Your claim will be unsecured and you should write to the administrators with details of your claim.

Question. My Credit Card Company requires a letter confirming that the photographs will not be delivered.
Answer. We are unable to provide such a letter but there is a notice on the website confirming the appointment of the administrators.

Question. When are your stores closing?
Answer. All stores have already closed.

Question. I have a Olan Mills Gift Voucher, can I use it?
Answer. The company has ceased trading and regrettably vouchers are therefore no longer valid and cannot be redeemed (Customers may write and register themselves as unsecured creditor).

Question. Customer unhappy with answers and states they will issue a summons.
Answer. Paragraph 43 (6) of schedule B1 of the Insolvency Act 1986 states that ''...no proceedings and no execution or other legal process may be commenced or continued, and no distress may be levied, against the company or its property except with the consent of the administrator or the leave of the court....'' The joint administrators do not consent to any action that you may have commenced or may be contemplating.

As you are aware, the Company is now in administration and therefore its actions are strictly governed by UK insolvency law. As agents of the Company, appointed by the High Court, it is now our duty to ensure that all unsecured creditors are treated the same. UK insolvency law states that an individual unsecured creditor of the Company cannot be preferred and paid independently of others within that class. Consequently, I am unable to make any level of payment to you individually or to any other unsecured creditor.

from http://www.olanmills.co.uk/

what a nice time of year for this to happen :evil:
forgot to post the form for Jamies yesterday, gd job now isnt it?!
Wow i had no idea, they phoned me friday (15th) morning to ask if i would like to sign up as my friend had passed on my details!!!! How strange is that??????? :shock: Good job i told them i didnt wanna deal!!

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