okay, I'm officially WEIRD!


Well-Known Member
May 15, 2006
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I swear I'm abnormal.

I've been invited to a birthday party of a girl I know from uni - I've only actually met her once although we've spoken quite a lot online. She's in the year above me (although she's a few years younger than me beacause I started uni late).
Anyway it's her birthday / housewarming party - both her and her housemates have invited lots of people, and its an open invite so loads of uninvited people, friends of their friends, etc. will be there.
And it's being held in her house, so a house party.

I'm about to set off for this party....and I'm shitting myself!

I know this sounds absolutely ridiculous, but I've only been to 1 party (other than my own and my husbands) in years...I mean YEARS.

I'm going on my own aswell as I don't know anybody who would come with me (and hubby has to watch Lydia, so he can't come).

I know I know I'm a freak of nature....normal people don't start getting butterflies in their stomachs at the thought of going to a party. It's the thought of being there and looking around at all these unfamiliar faces and just feeling like a twat and not daring to start talking to a total stranger.

I'm okay with strangers in small groups.....but I'm assuming this is gonna be a fairly large party.....and I'm SCARED! (I'm okay with nightclubs but that's different - I wouldn't go to a nightclub alone)

I swear I never thought before that I'd be scared of a party....but then again, I haven't really been in this situation for a while!

Another scary thing is that it's pirates vs ninjas theme....trouble is I have this image in my head of me turning up in a pirates outfit, only to find that almost nobody else is in costume (as tends to sometimes happen with fancy dress parties so I hear) and looking like a total ******.
Likewise, if I turn up in regular party stuff, and everybody else is in costume, I'm STILL going to look ridiculous.

Oh God!

Phil has said that if I feel so scared then maybe it's better if I don't go, but I'm always complaining that I haven't met many people at uni, so it seems stupid to pass up a perfectly good opportunity to meet people.

You know that terrified feeling you get when you're about to do something like *insert random terrifying thing here* (e.g. reading out a speech infront of loads of people, or jumping out of a plane...you get the idea), well I'm feeling like that!

I can't even get drunk whilst I'm there (which would make me feel a lot less self-conscious) because it's 2 bus-rides plus a longish walk away, and it's pouring with rain, so I'm taking the car instead.

I'm just weird aren't I!
Dont be daft, of course you're not weird!!

Its normal to be nervous, I get nervous before I meet up with friends I havent seen for a while so who knows what I'd be like going to a party where I dont know anyone!

It'll be fine, I bet you really enjoy yourself and meet some new friends! If it turns out that you feel too uncomfortable then all you have to do is go home :hug:
I know I'll have missed you Nat, but hope you had a good time if you went.

I know how you feel. I'm the most gregarious person I know with friends but am terrible in new social situations.

I thought you were lovely at the meet, and got on really well with everyone.

let us know how it goes xxx :D
aww - your not weird! I get worried about family do's!

As for the costume - do something you can take off if no one else has made an effort:
eye patch, plastic sword held round your waist with red ribbon, black head scarf thingy. Easy to take off and hide in a bag if no one else has bothered!

And as kirsty said - if its too uncomfortable, you can always go home.
Okay, I'm back from the party.

It was somewhat better than I had imagined. Okay, admittedly not many people did speak to me - they were all fairly busy getting drunk and having pretend sword-fights with long caterpillar shaped balloons (lol), but I did meet a few people, and there was, in the end, 2 people I had met before (although they left really early - at 9pm).

I spoke to 2 people I hadn't met before - not for long, but enough to make me feel not quite so wall-flowerish.

And all the music played was rock, so that was good, it was a nice atmosphere.

I ended up going in normal clothes in the end (well, rock type clothes but normal for me).
I didn't really need to worry because there was at least 2 other people in normal clothes.
Most people were pirates, but there was 1 ninja.

Also, bizarrely, there was 1 corspe bride, 1 cowboy, 3 smufs, and 1 guy who wore nothing but a ladies dressing gown :lol:

I'm glad I went though, it got me out of the house and at least now if I meet these people again I won't feel quite so shy I don't think :)

Thanks all for the encouragement.
Xena said:
I swear I'm abnormal.

I've been invited to a birthday party of a girl I know from uni - I've only actually met her once although we've spoken quite a lot online. She's in the year above me (although she's a few years younger than me beacause I started uni late).
Anyway it's her birthday / housewarming party - both her and her housemates have invited lots of people, and its an open invite so loads of uninvited people, friends of their friends, etc. will be there.
And it's being held in her house, so a house party.

I'm about to set off for this party....and I'm sh*tting myself!

I know this sounds absolutely ridiculous, but I've only been to 1 party (other than my own and my husbands) in years...I mean YEARS.

I'm going on my own aswell as I don't know anybody who would come with me (and hubby has to watch Lydia, so he can't come).

I know I know I'm a freak of nature....normal people don't start getting butterflies in their stomachs at the thought of going to a party. It's the thought of being there and looking around at all these unfamiliar faces and just feeling like a tw*t and not daring to start talking to a total stranger.

I'm okay with strangers in small groups.....but I'm assuming this is gonna be a fairly large party.....and I'm SCARED! (I'm okay with nightclubs but that's different - I wouldn't go to a nightclub alone)

I swear I never thought before that I'd be scared of a party....but then again, I haven't really been in this situation for a while!

Another scary thing is that it's pirates vs ninjas theme....trouble is I have this image in my head of me turning up in a pirates outfit, only to find that almost nobody else is in costume (as tends to sometimes happen with fancy dress parties so I hear) and looking like a total ******.
Likewise, if I turn up in regular party stuff, and everybody else is in costume, I'm STILL going to look ridiculous.

Oh God!

Phil has said that if I feel so scared then maybe it's better if I don't go, but I'm always complaining that I haven't met many people at uni, so it seems stupid to pass up a perfectly good opportunity to meet people.

You know that terrified feeling you get when you're about to do something like *insert random terrifying thing here* (e.g. reading out a speech infront of loads of people, or jumping out of a plane...you get the idea), well I'm feeling like that!

I can't even get drunk whilst I'm there (which would make me feel a lot less self-conscious) because it's 2 bus-rides plus a longish walk away, and it's pouring with rain, so I'm taking the car instead.

I'm just weird aren't I!

i tell peoplewho are afraid of interviews or crowds or parties in your case to imaginethe other people sat on the toilet having a dump with their knickers round their ankles.
It helps me loads with situations im not happy about.
lol you wouldn't find it awkward being stood infront of somebody on the loo?

If I imagined them like that I'd probably run away from them lol!

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