Ok, sounds like I'm joking but I'm actually not.


Well-Known Member
Nov 16, 2009
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Ladies, in all seriousness I think I have a POAS addiction.

Now I completely realise how ridiculous that sounds but since my BFP a week ago yesterday I have POAS (various brands but mainly ICs) daily and sometimes twice a day and while I keep getting positives, the lines are only getting a little darker.

I know I should stop and that POAS won't change anything but I feel like I will as soon as I get a line that is as dark as the control on something because at the moment, I'm only getting lines that are half as dark as the control at 15dpo.

I know I wouldn't have been like this if I'd not had the miscarriage but I'm so worried I'm going to lose this bean too. It's going to be a long 4-5 weeks until the early scan....if I get there.

In all truthfulness did anyone else do anything like this and did the lines get a lot darker 1 week after your BFP?
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been there! i kept POAS till 6 weeks, lines finally got as dark as control at around 5 weeks, and that didnt stop me, give it a week or two and you will be over the addiction.

Did you manage to get an early scan? that will put your mind at rest :hugs:
Iv not done any since my docs confirmed it. I have one here aswell but im too scared to use it xx
I keep POAS but it's either the same line or negative. Your addiction will go soon you have bought Ella Sophia into the world safe and sound so what's to say you cant do the same with this one. Chin up hunnie just be positive towards this pregnancy :hugs:
Ok so only another week hopefully before they get as dark - what brand did you use? I think my problem is that I've been using all different brands so it's hard to see a progression.
I spent £50 plus on tests so you are not alone hun. I stopped when I got a 3+ on a digi though and have banned myself from getting any more.

It's awful and stressful going through all this especially when you have had a mc. I am counting down the days to my early scan and trying to keep as busy as possible.
Ok so only another week hopefully before they get as dark - what brand did you use? I think my problem is that I've been using all different brands so it's hard to see a progression.

I just used IC's, they take longer to get darker as amount of dye in them can vary. Would have cost me a fortune to used branded ones :shock:

You will be just fine hun i know it :)
i did 4. the last one was at 7 weeks and was pretty much instantly pos and as dark as control
If you go for the sane brand you used for your first test then you will see a difference in the lines ;) try to stop though as i have been doing it and it will drive you nuts!xx
Hun step away from the hpts he he! I never got a dark line on ic's
I did that and then ran out of hpts so used up my ovulation tests, they were much more reassuring as they got darker a lot quicker. I never got a hpt line darker than control but at about 16-18 dpo started getting very dark ov tests.
i have been through over 20 tests lol cant stop POAS i just need to see those two lines every other day seeing my 1st scan is not till 5th sept and midwife hasnt even confirmed I am pregnant yet!!!

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