ok.. so weird names!!??


Well-Known Member
May 23, 2007
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my husband's name is alexis, everyone knows his as alex but his name is greek

i think i would like to carry on the greek tradition but all the names seem really to unusual, our daughters called charlotte (not my husbands biological child) and i really love old fasioned names and i dont think you can get older than greek..

anyway before we got pregnant hubby was saying he liked thor, and hercules??lol.. i dont like them.
but we are getting closer to likeing leonidus (film 300) and call him leo?? i also like toby but think it might b a bit to.. camp..i like horatio too but spell it haratio and call him harry for short our last names' pullin.. and think middle name might be malcom after als grandad.

any suggestions and if they are weird spellings how do you pronounce them please..

p.s we are only 5 weeks and have ruled out a girl?? lol.. i like yvelyn as in evelyn but its a mixture of als mum and my mum yvonne and lynda i love this but alex doesnt..like katie, love yvi love it soo much.. lol.. gonna have to persuade him.. if he lets me have yvi for a girl il let him have leo..??? lol
If I had concieved a daughter she'd have had a traditional greek name also, we were planning on Xanthe, it's not made up (pronounced Zan-Thee) and it's not common or strange either. I quite like Xander (or Zander) for a boy, both of greek decent but we ended up going with using DH's name when we realised we were having a little baby boy.
My Greek nephew is called Theodore (Theo) and my neice is Anastacia. Beautiful names :D
My baby's middle name is going to be Leonidas, because my boyf loved the story in the film 'the 300'

Leo is a very popular boys name at the mo as you know, so you could do that.

Have you thought of Alexander? It is both a Greek and an old-fashioned English name, so you could both get what you like :) I think it goes well with Charlotte :)

P.S. lol I only just realised his dad is an Alex too :)
My best friend is half greek and her son is Lazarus
I like the suggestion of Leo and Theodore. I don't have my names book to hand, unfortuanately (I've lent it to a friend because we've decided).

However. I know you've ruled out a girl. But, just in case. May I suggest Charis (pn Karis)? I think it's ever so pretty and I think it means charity (as in Christian charity or love, rather than an organisation who wants to raise money!).

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