Ok sent myself into a craze!


Well-Known Member
Nov 6, 2012
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Ok so i was abit calm about the whole situation of id miscarriaged but then someone mentioned id no when i passed the sac, no im freaking abit cos i havent noticed no sac now am think allsorts like what if its a ectopic pregnancy? What if ive not passed it argghhh! If it was a ectopic would my hcg levels be so low at 13? Oh think im going to ring the epu tomoz morning see if i can go in before monday cos im cracking up now, sorry just had write this get it of my chestz
I'm not sure how many weeks along you are, but I MC just under 11 weeks, and the lumps were quite a size. They (sorry if tmi) do not all look like blood clots either, I passed many lumps which were white/skin/tissue as well as blood, and blood clots.

My scan showed that the baby had passed, but there was a lot of clots and lining to come out still. I bled an awful lot (had to go to a&e) and passed a lot of clots/lumps etc, it was a shock just how much to be honest.

Obviously the above depends on how far along you are.

Sorry for your loss :( I hope the above hasn't scared you even more, but hopefully prepared you in some way, as I wish I had been xx
Thanks i was 5 weeks along in doctors terms but i no i was only 2-3 weeks pregnant, will prepare myself for bad news there anything else is a bonus, the bleeding has more or less stopped now hoping that i have passed everythingx
you possibly wouldnt have noticed anything being so early as things would have been so small and tmi could have come out while you were on the toilet.....

I was 7 weeks when I mc and I had the fetus come out on it's own one day (when I wiped) that's when I knew I was loosing the pregnancy (as I had previously seen a h/b) and scan confirmed that the sac had ruptured and fetus gone - the next day I passed the sac and tiny placenta - which was quite recognisable - but it came out while I was on the loo but I felt it come out and tmi fished it out the loo to check - just so that I knew it was all over and gone etc. scan a week later confirmed an empty uterus and all back to pre-pregnancy state.
Thanks im hoping because i was so early i would of seen it!! I really hope thats the case as the bleeding is nothing now perhaps a bit when i wipe but thats it none on pad, god last night i got meself so worked up!! Was thinking allsorts even thought what if it was ectopic! Just want this bloody scan now so i can relax!x
It was me who said you would know it when you seen it, I'm sorry it's got you worked up but if you haven't been 'looking for it' you won't have seen it. I seen mine cos it came out when I went to the loo and was on the toilet paper. You may have passed it into the loo and not noticed.
Try not to worry about it, there's nothing you can do about it until you get your scan to check.
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Its ok hun, its just me over thinking thinks and getting paranoid as per usual just need calm meself down n stop thinking things!!x
Hey Hun. I had two mcs. The first I was nearly 11 weeks and definitely noticed when I passed stuff. I was 7 weeks with my second one and it was just like a heavy period! From what I've read before, if you were having an ectopic I think you're levels would be very high. Hope you get seen soon to rest your mind xxx
Thanks jaxx im hoping thats the case im waiting for the epu to get back to me just to see if i can go in before next week for scan as the only reason i was going in next week was because they cudnt see much before then but considering i no ive lost it then dont see a reason to wait untill then so im hoping they can fit me in earlier to put a end to thisxx
At 5 weeks there won't have been much to pass at all just a tad heavier than a period xxx
Hey jojo thanks! Ive calmed meself down now and am ok!ha am silly!!! Spoke to the epu yesterday who said what youve just said, they have also cancelled my scan now cos she said that they wudnt see anything, so no need to see me and to do a pregnancy test check its negative, did a cheap one this morning one step there called and not so much as a faint line! BFN! So here goes to trying again hoping next time i get a sticky bean!!xx
Hi nat, I had a early mc at 5/6 weeks in july and it was just a really heavy period that last just 5 days. I'm so sorry for your loss and everything you've had to go through but now you've done a test and know its neg you can begin to try again! I started to try again on my 2nd cycle after mc and got my bfp so i everything crossed for you that you get your sticky bean soon!
Thanks hun, thats good to just going to look forward now to trying again and put it behind me and pray for a sticky bean!! Congratulations on your bfp!xx

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