ok.. im up at 3.30?


Well-Known Member
May 23, 2007
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well.. ive not been feeling great all day.. think i might have a tummy bug, i woke about an hou ago with pains in my tummy - gut pains tho..and feeling sick.. so ive just been laying there..just decided to get up to get a drink to see if it makes me feel any better.. so i suppose im gonna sit on the sofa and watch tv untill i feel tired again..poor lil old me lol..
:hug: hope you managed to get some sleep in the end..

hope u feel better soon hun :hug:
Try drinking plain boiling water it soothes your tummy :)
thanks.. no i didnt get bk to sleep.. still feeling sick.. anthough ive had a little dried cereal..gotta take charl to school now.. for 2 hrs ggrrr!! hope my mum rings n says she will pick her up and have her for the day lol..
Hi hun, Ive had some disturbed nights like that caused by sickness, hunger, needing to pee and backache. Its strange cos some nights I can sleep like an angel then other nights are terrible.

I know how u feel hun plus it only makes u feel worse the day after doesn't it cos you've not had a good nights sleep :twisted: Are you working hun? :hug:
no thank god! feeling a bit better.. my mum just rang to say that my nans not good and i should go see her.. shes not eatting at all now and cant feed herself even..i think shes gonna go over the next week. poor dab.. its better she just went than suffored

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