ok.. i promiced i wouldnt!


Well-Known Member
May 23, 2007
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but i really cant help getting paranoid!! we have had this doppler since tuesday and have tried to find the heart beat every night since then..and failed..we can hear mine.. but not the babies.. and we have the scan on monday..

and now im dreading it.. im gonna turn up lay down and they are gonna tell me its dead arnt they..keeps going through my mind..im being bloody stupid and i need to sort myself out.. hubbys now banned the doppler till after the scan.. lol!! ahhh!! y did i do this to myself!! lol
Lisa, please don't worry!

This happened to me too, and it was because I didn't get my dating scan until I was 16 weeks (or so I thought!). Turns out I was 15 weeks, so when I was trying to find a heartbeat at 12 weeks I was actually only 11 weeks!

I was really sure of my dates as my now Ex had been away on business and we weren't really BDing much anyway, because we split up 2 weeks b4 I found out I was pg!

But I was on the pill at the time, so that must have delayed things slightly!

I'm sure you'll be fine!

hun, :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

dont be silly all is ok, its either a little too early to hear heartbeat, or baby is moving so much that everytime you try it moves again, please dont worry you certainly arent the first and last to not find a h/b straight away.

Every pregnancy is different some hear h/b early some cant even find it (which will be me i know- il just rely on m/w).

Dont worry hun chin up, here if you wanna chat :hug: :hug:
did u use a gel of some sorts?my friend did this and when she didnt use any gel she couldnt find it n when she did she found it no problem. any sort of gel will do or baby oil etc xx
You silly billy, bet you are just too early, it is just marketing on the box saying you can hear it that early, imagine how big your heart is compared to bubs. Dont worry, try and relax and look forward to scan - your DH sounds like a sensible man
dont worry hun, my MW said she would not even attempt finding a heart beat before 16 weeks as its too hard to find and can stress the mummy out.
Stressful devices yet assuring to others. :wall:

Its very hard to find the HB this early ... can you believe I had to show my MW it was there a couple of weeks ago :rotfl: Her face was one I needed the camera for.

My personal experience of 2 dopplers was one was not that great - Infact I sent it back. whist I got HB on both doppler#2 was nearly impossible to find it & not that clear where doppler #1 was :think:

Also I found baby to be slightly to the right of my belly button & I had to point the device down into my pelvic area - You can't hurt baby but you may need to apply pressure .. If it hurts you yes to hard. That was the advice I was given as safe :D
are you using plenty of gel? also i bought a doppler at 11 weeks and didnt find hb until i was 12 weeks, 1 day before my scan. my doppler sed from 10 weeks but most ppl i spoke to sed they dont hear anything til about 12 weeks. also slow movements help, only move the doppler a few millimetres at a time and try different angles and apply quite a bit of pressure. it takes a while get used to it but once ou have found it you be able to find it easier each time. hope you hear your LO soon.

Enough but not too muh gel. Even after I found it that first time I had lot sof trouble getting it again. Its not the easiest whist baby is low down. I can get it so much easier now & this being baby #1 its still qute low down. SLOWLY moving up.

I really think after experiencing 2 dopplers that it varies between each device as doppler #2 was quite expensive.

Those ones you put ear thing son btw are naff for early pregnancy if anyone is using them?

hi just thought also hun, r u listening on your belly becus ur uterus is still tucked up in your pelvis. try placing doppler at the point where your hair line ends and pointing downwards and tilted slightly this may help.
which doppler do you have, i had the angel sounds one and it picked my LO up at 12 weeks but not before then.
how can u tell its the baby heart beat n not ur own?
there is a website that gives you examples and explains all the sounds you hear in the womb at different stages of pregnancy.

http://www.fetaldopplerfacts.org/tools/ ... sounds.php

it is really helpful and i recommended to someone else on here who thought it was great too. it even tells you what sounds are the placenta etc.

Mine is MAS babywatcher.

Would buy the same one again :D

I had this one also

Sent it back wouldn't recommend after comparing :D
wobbles.. where did u buy it, and how much is it? I will have to borrow dans debit card :dance:
sorry i missed this yesterday.. dunno if you noticed i fell down the stairs and ended up having a scan.. so babys ok..:) saw it moving and that.. and theres no more pink cm.. or cramps so im gussing its ok :)
i would recommend the angel sounds doppler. ou can buy them from ebay for about 30 quid. you can hear heartbeat from 12/13 weeks and you can also record sounds. most of them come with some gel too.

lisa im glad your ok hun and bubs, at least you know everything is ok and you have just got to be patient with the doppler. hope you hear bubs soon becus it is a great feelin bein able to pik doppler up every week to check on bubs.

okiegirl said:
how can u tell its the baby heart beat n not ur own?

On a doppler the babys heartbeat is that fast it sounds like a galoping horse (horse running) .

Try not to worry :hug:

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