Ok, first day and I'm bored lol


Well-Known Member
Jun 1, 2011
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First day of maternity leave today and I bored. I want LO here so badly but not until I've done everything I need to do. Currently got second load of washing on. Done one load of clothes and now bedding and blankets are being done. One last load of clothes to do after. I have to go to midwife app at 1.45 but weather is not nice at all. :-( xx
You could come do my ironing... I have done 90% of the house work trying to put it off lol
Make the most of it hun, get as much rest, sleep and you time as possible, LO will be here before you know it :D x x
I think I'm just missing hubby :-( I can't stand ironing lol. Had to do some last night. Think I'll just get my butt in gear and get things done round the flat.xx
I know the feeling! My first official day of ML today and I'm bored as hell too!
Think it's too early to do my washing or hospital bag, so I've got nothing to do :(

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I've not enjoyed my mat leave so far. Too much to do and I just can't do it because my hips and pelvis are killing me. It was way better when DH was here over Xmas but he's gone back to work now :(
haha ditto! Its my first official day's maternity but I was made redundant week before xmas. Was bored on first day. Its weird not having a routine for the day. Feel a bit lost sometimes x
Iv been off work for 2 weeks for the Christmas holidays really fed up, Now im back at work i wish i was at home,lol. Roll on 1st Feb when its my ML.

So far done 2 loads of clothes washing and cleaned kitchen. Tomoro I will be going through all the kitchen cupboards, checking dates and cleaning them out. Trying to keep busy while I can. :) xx
Lol. Ive been really lazy of my first day of mat leave. Lounged about, and used the laptop. Debating getting ready to go meet DH in town for dinner. X
You have been really productive lulabell. My first day today as well I had a big list of things to do and have done none of them I watched daytime tv and messed about on laptop for the morning then went to cinema with my girlfriends this afternoon, lovely day.
I can't wait to go on my maternity leave, but I know I will be like you and completely bored out my skull.

i got 6 more wks till i start mine, and hoping i will be as productive as u.
ive been so lazy so hoping the nesting instinct kicks in and i start cleanin my flat coz im rubbish lol
I finish work next week and cannot wait. I'm sure after a short while it will wear off and I will be bored but have a bit planned to do :) x
You have been really productive lulabell. My first day today as well I had a big list of things to do and have done none of them I watched daytime tv and messed about on laptop for the morning then went to cinema with my girlfriends this afternoon, lovely day.

I dont feel quite so bad. Thats pretty much how mine read - except if finished with out for tea with DH. lol

I am glad i am not the only one who hasn't done much whilst on maternity leave.

Long list to do but hey ill just mess around on laptop for a little while longer and then maybe get of my @rse :) x
Well its my first day back at work and i can't do anything due to the system being down! Can't believe it! so i'm sat here literally wasting time, willing for it to go by! I wish i could be at home doing nothing instead of being here! i could be sorting my room out and buying things! :)

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