OH's mum and dad!


Well-Known Member
Feb 25, 2011
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Can anyone els not stand their OH's mum and dad?? their frikkin weirdos! His mum is a 60year old control freak who invited her friends along to a shopping trip with us, therefore i had to sit in the back of a 4 seater car with 3 of us in the back, i was squashed to the window with baby kicking like mad and had branston Hick contraction, couldn't put my seat belt on and she nearly went into the back of a lorry! Later that day she made me take a dress back as it wasn't my color and drew attention to my bump! (it was comfy!). Also asking me how I thought i looked in it!?? She also went psychotic when we wouldn't go live with her when the baby was born! (WEIRDO)! His dad is a complete nutcase, i have never known him to get a bath the whole time i have been living with him, he put's boiler on and runs the bath full then stands at the side of it in a vest and boxers and gets a wash with the door open! This morning he got on his hands and Knees and scrubbed the kitchen spotless but left a pan of tomatoes with mold all over them on the hob!?? He labels food in the fridge that i cannot touch even though he eats mine and leaves me all day with nothing to eat! He has the tv on full blast on a night so we cannot sleep and refuses to turn it down, funny thing is he falls to sleep in front of it and if we turn it off he gets up turns it back on and goes back to sleep and this is about 2 in the morn! Also on a morning when my OH is on the toilet having a number too he comes down and makes him get off it cos he needs one! every morning! By the way he wispers and talks to himself and clucks like a chicken! AHHHHH there's loads more i cant stand them! Being pregnant dosn't make it any better. Sorry about the rant
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Oh dear. This gave me awful visions! Are you & OH in process of getting your own place? This doesn't sound like a good place to be living with a baby if you're already so stressed being there at the minute?

I Lived with my in laws with our first child while my OH was off doing his basic training. I hated it!

Have you tried talking to them?

I can't believe she made you take a dress back as it was not your colour...How bloody rude!!
Yeh hun we have got one now just getting it sorted to move in, thank god lol. You cant talk to them lol there strange and different if you get me, his dad hardley speaks and his mum is very very opinionated. I know! She looked me up and down and said ooo no it dosn't go ill get our grace (OH's sister) to take it back, everyone els thought it was a gorgeous dress?! I phoned OH crying telling him to come get me lol, and thats not me! Just felt cornered btw she is a primary school teacher! OH made her apoligise for it all and said i should not of been in that car and she started crying and being all pathetic silly manipulative biach! he then felt sorry for her!x
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Oh dear :lol: I shouldn't laugh but the visuals I am having are quite funny!

At least you're getting out of there. I would have bought the dress anyway & worn it everyday to piss her off. But that's what I am like!

Hopefully you can move out soon & get some well deserved sleep & not have to wake up to bathroom swapping :lol:
Sounds like a right nightmare to live there! How long until you can move out? The added stress won't be doing you any good! It's my hubby who thinks his mum is strange, but we prob only see them once a year for a few days so I havent had to worry about them too much!
stacey_lea86 - It is hilarious ! but i tell other people and they think im going mad, all the stuff his dad does my dad said he workes with people like him ( he workes with people with brain injuries and recons he has one lol) , i do wear the dress..everytime i go over lol.x

Sarah13- Probably next week Hopefully! ha x
awwww the pictures that story painted OMG!!!! really hope you do get your place ready asap! sounds a nightmare! xxxxx
aww bet you cant wait to move out. im kinda lucky a tiny bit i suppose bt in a way not. my oh's parents passed away in jan so didnt get a chance to meet them. in a way its a good thing in case they were like your but from oh tells me they would of loved me and meeting their grandchild. on the other hand though. my oh gets it in the neck from my mum but when he does stuff for her shes nice as pie then starts slagging him off to me. i really feel sorry for him. hopefully you'll be out of there soon and wont have to worry about thier weirdness. have tp say the dad does sound a bit on the kookoo side lol x

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