Oh wow. I'm back again! Hello :)

Congratulations.What an amazing my mummy you are. :-). X
Congratulations and welcome back Ceriann, so pleased for you! Lovely to hear an update on Amy, I was a June 2014 mummy and was following your thread on Amy. Was extremely worried when you stopped posting on here but fully understood why. Best of luck with this pg hun :)

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Welcome back and congrats! Could you tell me how to mind amys page on fb. Id love to follow :) xx
Massive congratulations hun!
I remember you and Amy :) i didnt realise u had a fb page for her, im now following.
She is absolutely gorgeous!
I have tears just reading everything again. You have done and are doing amazing hun and so is she xxx

Aw thank you so much :)!
It is a bit of an emotional one isnt it?
Sometimes when i reflect on it all i cant believe what happened!
Thank you xxxx
Welcome back and congrats! Could you tell me how to mind amys page on fb. Id love to follow :) xx

Hi there! Aw thanks. Just search "amy rose's army" on facebook, I think it has about 700 likes. Hope you find it :) xx
Congratulations and welcome back Ceriann, so pleased for you! Lovely to hear an update on Amy, I was a June 2014 mummy and was following your thread on Amy. Was extremely worried when you stopped posting on here but fully understood why. Best of luck with this pg hun :)

Aw thanks! Yeah I felt awful just not coming back for so long!! I knew people would be worried sick. Had no idea what was going to happen for the first few weeks so didn't even know what to report! haha :) xxx
Massive congratulations Ceriann. I also follow you on on Twitter and fab (will keep it quiet of course)
I rarely post but have been on the site for ages. I had my third about that same time you had Amy Rose. I always look for your updates and your strength in what you have to go though always amazes me. Amy Rose is gorgeous. I hope this pregnancy and birth go smoothly and easily for you x

Aw thank you!! I am hoping to have an elective csection so the hope is all should be fine.. except of course my physical ability for the first few weeks!! Scary stuff. Thanks for your kind words <3 xxx
Oh hun I am thrilled to hear such happy news!!

I too follow Amy's FB page (don't worry I shall keep quiet)

A dear friend of mine has a gorgeous little girl who suffered a birth trauma and has CP. I found Amy's page through her as she follows too.

Wishing you a happy and healthy pregnancy.

Hopefully I'll be right behind you, keep a seat warm in tri 1 for me eh??



Ah thank you :) and thanks for finding us!
It's so weird.. i hadn't even considered how the birth could have gone, i knew nothing really about cp and stuff like that. It really is an eye opener to this whole other world. In a way it's great as you meet some absolutely incredible people, and every little achievemet she makes has us in bits! :D xxx
Welcome back, I was a June 2013 mummy and your story really moved me. You and your partner are strong people and bringing another child into Amy's life is an amazing and brave thing to do.

Congratulations Hun


Thanks so much :)! I am pretty terrified this time round.. which is sort of silly as it's less likely to happen to the same person twice.. but i think im a bit traumatised! Thanks for reading the story etc :) i think it'll be amazing for her to have a sibling! xxx
Congrats cerian! I too follow Amy's page and we had a brief chat the other day with regards to omeprazole and Amy now being on renitidine. Hope that's working for her.


ooh small world isn't it! haha.
and thanks :)
yeah the old reflux chat! it's a constant in my life these days ahaha!
the ranitidine seems to be going ok. i like that you don't have to dissolve it! xx
Aw Aw massive congratulations to you all xx I too follow Amy's page xx she is absolutely gorgeous xx very happy and healthy 9 months xxx I myself have CP from birth xx

Ah really? It's strange.. once you're in the world of cerebral palsy it is a lot more common than you think.. and so varied too! Like how my best friend has cp but is very mobile, cognitively perfect etc, yet amy is very severely affected. Such an umbrella term isn't it? Thanks so much for following her page too and for your kind words xxxx
Thank you all so much for your kind words and words of encouragement <3
it still all doesn't feel real. I'm sure you can all relate!!
I am pretty worried for when the baby arrives and I can't lift!! Especially with amy who is not only very heavy but dead weight and effectively much heavier than she looks. Think I'll have to get some extra hands around for those first couple of months!! :D
you're all awesome. pregmummies for the win :) xxxx
Yay congratulations hun so pleased for you often think about u n had no idea u had a fb page will look it up now would love to follow he gorgeous girls journey.

Its like you've never been away (Amy Rose's Army supporter here too :D ) Congratulations!
Congrats cerian! I too follow Amy's page and we had a brief chat the other day with regards to omeprazole and Amy now being on renitidine. Hope that's working for her.


ooh small world isn't it! haha.
and thanks :)
yeah the old reflux chat! it's a constant in my life these days ahaha!
the ranitidine seems to be going ok. i like that you don't have to dissolve it! xx

our littlies are only a few weeks difference- there was quite a few of us back when we were pregnant that kept the old thread in tri 3 going waiting for updates on Amy etc.

Do you not get the ompeprazole liquid? my son has never been tablet form. The pharmacy make up a liquid version so i just draw from teh bottle like calpol. Im suprised they didnt give you that as would be idea for her!
Huge congratulations!! I follow you on fb too and won't breathe a word! xxx
Congrats! I remember you my lo is just coming up to 15 months :)

Amy is a little star bless her :)
Just liked your page on Facebook - your daughter is gorgeous!!

Congratulations on your second pregnancy xx
Omg hi hun!! I follow you on Facebook! Can't believe we are pregnant again at the same time. I'm nearly 6 weeks pregnant now! I wish you a very happy and healthy pregnancy!! Your daughter is bloody gorgeous, I often look at your page. Big hugs xxx

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