oh oh oh......update...water's gone!

xx sarah xx

Well-Known Member
Jul 8, 2006
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owwwww! I think it might be it this time.....

i started having tightenings about 12pm last night but they weren't painful just tight and uncomfortable, got up this morning and they've been getting more and more uncomfortable and now they're ouch! I think i can safely say i've had my clearout :oops: and they're coming every 3 - 7 minutes, lasting between 40 and 90 seconds.....i rang the hospital and im off to delivery suite to be looked at, please cross your fingers for me :pray:

:hug: :hug: xx
Babylicious said:
wow another baby on the way :cheer: :cheer:

I hope so! :pray: just waiting for my mum to pick lily up now

I bet i get up there and nothing happens, make me look like a tit :rotfl: xx
Oooooh I love it when babies start popping out. So exciting.

Good luck hun :hug: :hug:
well i've just got home and i'm officially in early labour :dance:

when I left the hospital I was 1-2cm dialated....they said i could either go to the ward until im in established labour or go home and come back, so I chose to come home for a bit as I want to give lily her tea and settle her for bed myself, so I'm gonna do that and just potter about until things really kick in but....ouchie! it does hurt :doh:

Thanks for all the reply's, you're al so lovely! :hug: :hug: I'll keep updatuing til I go back in :)

Does anyone fancy a last minute text buddy? :lol: xx

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